Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tagged from Sarah, Random Things About Me

1. I love chocolate to a fault. I was so thrilled to hear that Dark Chocolate is actually good for you, now I don't feel so guilty when I have some now.

2. I get really annoyed when I can't go the speed limit when I drive. I get frustrated and often act irrationally. Road Rage....maybe just a little bit.

3. I am sorry, but on movies when there is a fart scene I can't help but giggle. I know how old am I anyways?

4. I have this thing for bad breath. I just can't seem to be near anyone who has bad smelling breath. And for some reason lately my kids and husband have fallen in that category. I think I have made the kids brush their teeth at least five times a day. Anyone got a mint?

5. I have always wanted to go to Europe and see Italy and Scotland. I hope that one day I will be able to go. Seeing it in books and on TV just aren't the same.

6. I actually love really old stuff. I love going to museums and looking at stuff that used to belong to someone a long long time ago. I think it is cool that I can touch something that was around 400 years ago. It blows my mind.

7. I am terrified, really terrified of heights. Even if I see a picture or a movie with a cliff and they are looking over my heart accelerates and I get sweaty palms. Let's just hope I don't ever have to jump out of an airplane.

8. I love a good romantic storyline and I have found myself planted on my sofa at 8:00pm on Sunday night for Masterpiece Theater.

9. I have had braces twice in my life. Once when I was 6 and I had to correct an under bite and then again when I was in high school because I still had baby teeth.

10. I have never broken anything, but I did have to get stitches above my eyebrow for running into the corner of the wall when I was little.

11. I hate shrimp. I try to stomach the other kinds of seafood, but for some reason shrimp reminds me of a cockroach and so I just can't do it.

12. Corey wanted 8 kids when we first got married and I wanted 5. Notice how our expectations have dwindled to an even 4.

13. I am punctual to a fault. I hate when people are even 5 minutes late and I have to wait. To me 5:00 means 5:00, not 5:10 or 5:15.

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but if you want to you can do this as well.


Seth and Julie said...

It's nice to know a Mormon who likes to be on time. I was very puctual until I had kids. Right now we have 8:30 church and with 3 kids and a 20 minute drive it is killing me.

Anonymous said...

You were late for shopping on Black Friday this year!!!!

Kory Jane said...

Dang pipes were clogged!!