Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Don't Wanna

So lately I have been having this whole attitude of "I Don't Wanna" about everything. I was so gung-ho about two weeks ago about cleaning and getting things ready. Now I just don't wanna do nothing. I am lucky that I can roll my huge butt out of bed in the morning to do my walking. The only reason I probably even bother is the fact that I can't sleep and laying there any longer just makes me anxious. So I get up and walk at least to get up and do something. But making breakfast for the kids, not really feeling it. Cleaning my kitchen and bathrooms, not my favorite thing to do anyways has fallen to the wayside. Even dinner is such a chore. Nothing sounds good to me anymore, except Panara, and I can't have that every night. Then to leave the house, since it is cold outside and slippery I have to forgo the flip-flops which are about the only shoes my fat feet will fit into. I do have a pair of brown shoes that still fit and so I have to try and maneuver around my belly to put them on and tie them up. I have to rock my body to get up from the couch or any other seated position. Then my poor husband, who has been deprived of his marital privileges has been without for a while. I try to feel sympathetic, but I can't even begin to feel inclined in that direction. So the only place I have found myself lately is with my movies, books and my blanket located conveniently on the couch. Which looks something like this...
So if I can just get myself off of this couch and doing something productive....hmm well I do have to do grocery shopping tomorrow with all three kids because school is cancelled once again. I am pretty sure after that little adventure I will find myself back where I belong...doing nothing.


Walling Family said...

I feel bad for you! I wish i could be there to come and lay on the couch too. Just think a little more than 3 weeks and she will be here. I am feeling trapped in my house, and I want to do stuff just don't cause why it will just get wrecked 5 minutes later.

Becky said...

Come on Kory! You are doing the most important job, you are gestating! It's hard work, don't knock yourself, enjoy this time and gestate baby gestate!

britta said...

Enjoy doing nothing. You have the ultimate "pass". I hope these next few weeks go by quickly for you. They are always the tuffest.

Sarah said...

I feel ya. Really, I do!

Anonymous said...

Do you want a little cheese with your whine?

Sorry Kory but I loved being pregnant!

Kory Jane said...

Well some of us don't have the love of feeling miserable. Remember mom, I have that horrible moody pregnancy attitude. Soon my blogs will turn from pregnancy to cute babiness.

britta said...

We are moving on Tues.

Seth and Julie said...

You are raising a family and creating life...that is way more than doing nothing. I think we are too hard on ourselves sometimes. I always feel like I am not allowed to sit down because I am on the clock but even Moms could use a little "do nothing" time. That's why we blog, right?

Sally said...

Well you just described my life everyday. Except I don't get my butt out of bed to exercise.