Friday, January 23, 2009

Going to Get a Little Political

Sorry if you are a huge fan of Barack Obama, but I have to say something about some of the things I have witnessed just since he was sworn in. I have been really hoping that he will do a good job and get this country back in shape. I was the first one to think about forgetting which political side you are with and just joining together to make this country greater. I thought all was off to a great start until I read the headline that Barack just waved the hold on federal funds that help with abortions. Great I think. All these innocent little babies are going to be killed just because we get a Liberal president. My heartaches just thinking of my own baby and how women all over take it in their own hands to murder their unborn children because it was an inconvenience. Yes I know I know what about rape and other such cases. Blah Blah Blah, realistically those are few and far between. I think they use this as an excuse for most of the women who just mess around and are not careful. They find out they are pregnant and don't want to deal with the consequences. I really hate abortion. If you look online at some of the pictures of what the baby looks like after an abortion it would make you sick. Before you know it, he will pull for same sex marriage in all states and we will have lost the sanctity of marriage as well. If this has happened only after a couple of days in office I hate to see what our nation will be become in a couple of years. But then again, I guess these are signs of the times and just a reminder that we all need to take a look at our lives and get things in order. Sorry if I have offended anyone who is a huge fan of our new president, but I can't just sit back and keep silent about something I hugely oppose to. I also realize that Clinton did the exact same thing and this is not something new. But with the whole nation looking to him and watching him, did he really have to do that so quickly?


Becky said...

I personally liked the Gitmo closing in a year! Yee-Haw! Let's introduce all the terrorist to our judicial system, or better yet let them out. What does he plan to do with all of them I don't know? It's going to be a wild ride, buckle up.

Walling Family said...

A lady was talking on the radio and said, well I helped him get there now it is his turn to help me; pay my mortgage, grocery, gas in my car, and let me send my kids to private schools. Helllllooooo people! We are going to turn into a society that working hard doesn't matter anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on our new president yet - gives me a really bad case of indigestion just thinking about it.

britta said...

I was not against Obama at first but I am feeling the same way you are! I get a pit in my stomach everytime I see him on TV. Their is something about is demenour that has not been sitting well with me. I don't have high hopes for our country while he is in office. I guess I can hope my gut is wrong.

Riley's said...

There are going to be things we like and don't like as with every presidency. Let's hope that people are quick to see the good as well as the bad.

modern myrtle home said...
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modern myrtle home said...

I agree with Riley. I hope that we are all as quick to see the good as we are the bad.

One thing that I hope people don't overlook is that Obama is actually against gay marriage! I think its easy to assume that since he is a democrat that he would be for it. I assumed the same thing at first, too. You should watch the youtube video of his conversation about it with Melissa Etheridge. She thought he was totally for it. Her face is priceless when he says that he believes as a Christian that marriage is to be between a man and a woman only.

The abortion issue saddens me as well. I would have liked to have seen something to make the adoption process easier and more accessible, and some relief for the poor, so that these women are more likely to choose life for their babies. Obama was the first democratic presidential candidate in history to add the reduction of abortions to their party's platform. I have hopes that he will take some measures in his presidency to do that.