Saturday, January 10, 2009

Logan's lost Tooth

For the past couple of days Logan has been pointing out that he had a big tooth moving in behind a little tooth on the bottom. I knew it would come out soon and I told him if it was still in by Sunday we would have Grandpa pull it. But this morning after brushing his teeth he told me he found it in his mouth. So this makes number three for him. He still has his front teeth so I am waiting for when he finally loses those. But now the excitement of the tooth fairy is lingering and I don't think she has any cash today. I guess she might have to make a stop somewhere to get some change.
And as a side note I ran Andy by Corey and he will not give. So it will stay Hailey. Although I really liked Andy I need to meet him halfway, considering he didn't like anything I picked out before.


Seth and Julie said...

Alyssa would be so jealous. All of her classmates have lost teeth but she has yet to lose one. She pretends one of them is loose all the time but it doesn't seem too wiggly to me.

Lisa said...

Aw he's so cute! Isn't it wierd that the tooth fairy never seems to have any cash on the right days!

Anonymous said...

That's why I don't like debit cards! The tooth fairy needs to be prepared. That was such a cute phone call I received from Logan.

The Bringhurst Bunch! said...

What do you mean stop and get some change- the tooth fairy leaves the money doesn't she??
PS- I think you guys should compromise on the baby name and go with Handy!! It's a little bit of Hailey and a little bit of Andy! It's perfect!!

Anna Min said...

You fill out the birth certificate information right? Perhaps after you give birth you'll feel a little stronger about who's picking the name...
I like the last idea, except make it Ailey.
Congratulations Logan!