Friday, October 3, 2008

Thurday Post Question

Thanks to our friends Seth and Julie, I have also decided to answer the Thursday question of the week. Every Thursday Julie post a question and then answers it so you can get to know her better. What a great idea!! So here is the question this week:

Family Traditions: What are your favorite childhood traditions? What are your traditions with your family now?

Growing up in NC, we had no family around except our own immediate. So we have a couple of traditions that I still remember. We would always kneel down on our chair for Sunday dinner.

For Christmas we would get to open one present on Christmas Eve and then my Mom would play Santa Clause and we each took turns opening presents and watching each other. I think mom had a great idea, because it makes Christmas morning last longer.

For Easter the bunny would lay (jelly bean) eggs all over the house. We would have such a great time running around trying to find all the tiny hidden eggs. Plus our own baskets were hidden so it took some time to get our goodies.

And almost every summer my parents took us on vacation to somewhere. We went all over. Georgia, Virginia and almost always it involved amusement parks which I still love now I think because of that.

Now as Corey and I have our own family I still carry on some of those traditions at our house.

On Halloween we always meet at Grandmas house and trick or treat with Josh and Sally in mom's neighborhood. They give out great candy by the way.

Thanksgivings we all cram into mom's house for dinner and football of course. That next day (black Friday) mom and I always hit the stores super early and have a shopping fest...I love this.

On Christmas Eve we are at Grandma's house again and we do a program. Every family is in charge of a skit and we perform. Then the grand kids get to open pj's from Grandma and Grandpa. We also sing Karaoke. Then on Christmas Morning after we open presents Grandma and Grandpa come with their own gifts and sometimes we eat breakfast together. I love making golden rod eggs a recipe from my Grandma Rollins and just being with family. We all go over to Grandma's house for Christmas dinner as well.

I love the holidays because it is a time for us to get together with family. I am really going to enjoy it this year because we feel a move in our future with Corey's company and this might be the last fall we are here with my parents. But hopefully, we can still carry on similar traditions wherever we go.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog, Kory! It brought back many memories and I also love the fall with all the holidays. Black Friday is also one of my favorite! It would be so great if all my daughters and daughter-in-laws could do this together. My mother is the one who started the present thing on Christmas morning and I also love it!!!

The Thompson Family said...

I agree, the present tradition is AWESOME! I also had memmories flooding back to me and one that wasn't too pleasant. I remember while knealing around for Sunday dinner Beau would sometimes fart in my face. I guess that's what makes families so close.

melissa said...

cute post! I love traditions and the holidays. My parents always made us take turns to open preasents too! P.S. Stacey, I have gotten Beau back plenty for farting in your face and he hates it lol

Seth and Julie said...

I am glad to see you decided to join us with the journal question. I love learning more about people and I am loving getting to know you better through your blog since we have never been able to live near each other. Where are you moving? Do you know? Wisconsin is pretty awesome!

Sally said...

Christmas traditions are probably the ones I remember the most. My Mom always made us line up on the stairs in order of age and take a picture before we could go down and open presents. We also did it one at a time.

Becky said...

Your never had a carb-o-holic dog roaming the house at night, that bunny jelly beans thing sounds just so cute! I love reading about other peoples traditions, maybe some new traditions to start at the Summers home.