Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally Riding Bikes

Yes we have been putting off helping the boys learn to ride two wheel bikes. Corey has been so busy and with me getting bigger I have a hard time running fast enough beside them to help any. So yesterday Gabe kept begging Corey to help him so he did. Gabe tried first and he did it on the first try. He just took off and I thought that was pretty easy. Logan had tried before and was so scared of falling that he gave up after a couple of tries. Well after seeing Gabe do it he looked at me and asked "How come Gabe is so much better at things than me?" He was so concerned and I tried to explain to him that Gabe wasn't afraid of falling off, which he isn't, and that helps him to ride faster.

So Logan was determined and after only a couple more tries finally got it. Logan is coordinated, but Gabe has that natural balance and ability to learn physical things fast. After all, the kids was walking at 9 months. He would be the first to ride his bike.

Gabe riding toward me. He kept saying "Let me show you how the pro's do it"
Logan was wobbly at first, but here he is bringing it home just fine.


melissa said...

how fun! I tried to teach avenley to ride her little bike that has training wheels, but she can't seem to figure out how to pedal and steer at the same time its pretty funny ...and sad.

Anonymous said...

Way to go boys!!!! If I remember right - I think that Josh rode his bike shortly before Thor. Must be a second child thing.

Anna Min said...

I hate to say this, but I'm a little relieved to know that Alyvia is not the only five year old and soon to be six that has not ridden a bicycle without training wheels...guess she'll need to learn soon to keep up with your boys though. I tried running around holding her up on her bike when I was about 8 months pregnant and felt like I was in labor after about 2 minutes. She was so scared anyway that she was glad when I had to stop. Maybe we'll have to teach Kate first.