Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Flu Shots

This morning we all had our appointments to get our flu shots. This year it was a really good idea considering I am pregnant and it could be bad if I got influenza. I did not hide the fact from the kids, I just told them straight out we were going to get poked and it would help us not to get sick this year. Last year Logan was the worst one, hanging onto the door handle and trying to pry his fingers off long enough to put him in the sleeper hold so the lady could get his arm. With me being pregnant I was a little worried about having to do that again. But I went first to demonstrate how easy it was. I told them it was just a tiny poke and it didn't hurt. Of course Gabe was the first to volunteer and he didn't even flinch. After it was over he just said "that was it?" like he was surprised it didn't hurt more. So this gave Logan courage, since he hates to be out done by his younger brother. He sat very still and was the same way. I didn't have to hold him down or anything. I thought this is a piece of cake. Well as I turn to Lexie she just starts backing into the corner yelling "I don't want a poke." I had to actually hold her down and basically sit on her to get the lady to get it in her arm. At least she is super tiny and it wasn't that difficult to hold her.
They all got stickers afterwards and Gabe kept talking about how brave he was. The lady was really old, but it was the best shot I have ever had. It didn't hurt at all. I was a little embarrassed as Gabe kept jumping up and down and fake punching this 60 year old nurse. And the best part is it is free at the Health Department. Who can refuse free shots to keep the nasty throw ups away for the winter. Now I am really nervous about Lexie's four year shots coming in March....I might need to learn some new wrestling moves for that one.

posing in front of our van before they all got the shots. Cruel huh?

1 comment:

Sally said...

At least they got stickers after. Last time I took Samm to get a flu shot I kept telling her if she was brave she would get a sticker after it was over. So, naturally when she was done she asked the lady for a sticker and the mean lady just said "sorry I gave them to all the other kids."