Friday, November 7, 2008

Twilight Tickets

I really don't want to sound like a teeny bopper here, but I just bought early release tickets for Twilight. I have been looking forward to this since I heard about them making a movie. I just hope that I won't be disappointed after loving the books. I am going with Sally and Danielle to the midnight showing the Thursday before the release. All three of us are hard time Twilight readers and we have all been looking forward to this. I hope this is a success because if they make enough money they have already pre-signed all the actors to do the last three books in the series. I am really excited!!! Maybe Corey will have to dress up as a vampire for me!!!


Walling Family said...

Don't worry I am already planning my escape that night. I hope to not be dissappointed either. I even have Dave's grandma and aunt ready the books and they like them =)

melissa said...

oh I am sure they will make enough money! Im excited to see it also!