Thursday, November 6, 2008

Annoyed by Poop

Let me just say that I have never shied away from a dirty diaper. Little babies, no problem I could change them at anytime. But for some reason the older the kid the smellier the poop. I watch a friend's little boy in the mornings a couple of times a week and without fail he will wait until being dropped off to drop his load. I consider myself able to endure some smelly stuff, but this kid just smells so bad it brings tears to my eyes. The whole time I am changing him I keep thinking why do I have to keep doing this. I should put a quota on how many times I have to change his diaper and endure the smelliness not only of itself but the way it will stink up whatever room he decides to crap in for hours. After this I think I will be grateful for Hailey to get here because nothing can get worse after what I just witnessed.


Sarah said...

I hear ya on that one! Changing my own kid's "adult poops" (as Aaron calls them) is bad enough, but for some reason it's so much worse when it's somebody else's kid that you're having to clean up after! Hang in there!

Walling Family said...

Oh how I feel your pain. I watch a little girl everyday and she is here no more then an hour and she fills her pants and she wont even tell you.....ughhhh. She is almost 3 too. I hold my breath when I change her and bring the air frechner and spray it right before I change her. It is awful! Lately they have been putting pullups on her, bad Idea she will poop not tell you and sit in it and well you know the outcome, new clothes all the time. I too will be grateful when our little one arrives =)

Seth and Julie said...

That is one of many reasons that I will never do day care. I can not change other kids' diapers. I dry heave at the thought of it.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that while I am cleaning up "Code Brown's" in the OR, I ask myself, "Why did you want to be a nurse?" Some days can be real crappy!!!