Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday Journal Question

What is your idea of a perfect day?

Boy, my perfect day huh? This could be a little tricky seeing as there are all sorts of perfect days for me. I would love to wake up in the morning and not have to hurry to get up and get the kids fed, get my exercising done and make sure everything is in order for the day. I could just lay in bed and not have to hurry anywhere. To have Corey just wake up and not have to hurry off to work. I love it when we spend time together as a family. I would love to spend the day with all my brothers and sister and their spouse and kids. What a grand day that would be. It doesn't happen that often. But I have to say our trip to Cancun was pretty close to perfection. It would have been fun to share some of the things with our kids. And I really don't know if we will ever have enough money to take the kids someplace like that. But I am really hoping that we can attend Nauvoo with my brother Thor and his family when they come this summer. I would also love the day without having to prepare a meal. I really don't mind cooking, but I love going out because you just order what you want and it appears. How nice would that be. Then after the kids are in bed to curl up with a brand new book from my favorite author Marcia Lynn McClure. I absolutely love her clean historical romances and I check every month for a new release. I always read them in record time, but there is nothing I would rather do then read a novel of hers.

I really think I have a pretty close to perfect life that includes healthy kids and a wonderful husband who loves me. He tells me everyday how much he loves me and how beautiful I am and I can't help but feel loved when he is around. I really am grateful my life is pretty close to perfect.


Seth and Julie said...

Tell us when you go to Nauvoo. We are about 5 hours away and we have been talking about going there ever since we moved here. Maybe we could meet up.

Sally said...

I don't think everything I want could fit into one perfect day, but it would definetly start with a good night of sleep. Something I rarely get. Then just a no fighting day with the kids, Josh taking me out shopping and him actually enjoying it. Of course there would be no cooking involved, but come on that's my everyday. And then my absolute favorite thing is to watch Josh play with the kids. They always want him to play fight with them and of course someone always gets hurt. But there is something about watching them wrestle around together that makes me melt. Is it too selfish of me to ask for another good night of sleep to end it off as good as it started?