Monday, March 23, 2009

Organized Life Interrupted

I really think the above picture fits me to a tee. I claim to be not obsessive about stuff, but when I really look at how I handle certain things I think I might have to change my opinion. I like things done my way when I want them done. I know I am not the only person out there who has this disorder. I have a schedule and I like to stick to that schedule to a tee. If I get thrown off or someone decides to change something last minute I almost want to pull my hair out. I have come a long way since being married to Corey. He is so easy going it sometimes makes me sick. If the roof is leaking (which it is by the way) his attitude is I will get to it, it is fine. Those buckets up in the attic are doing a great job of catching the rain. Me, I like to fix things pronto and not waste anytime. I hate the thought of having something broken or not just right.

So this weekend we are having a house full of people coming to visit for Hailey's baby blessing. I do love visiting and I love seeing people I haven't seen for a long time. The kids absolutely love when Grandma and Grandpa come to visit with their bus. We also have Corey's brother and family from Texas coming up to stay for the weekend. So what happens when I can't control all these people and tell them where to put their stuff and how to pull the shower curtain just right after showers.....I go manic. I feel like I am suffocating and I am not lying. I can compare it to claustrophobia because I have some of that too. But I am DETERMINED to not get too anal this weekend. I will let them shower how they want, I will let them eat and not worry about every crumb left on the floor. I will let the kids play and not scream that they are leaving a mess in the bedrooms. I am not going to make people feel unwelcome and leave early because of it (yes believe it or not I have done this too). So if I can just make it four days without a mental breakdown then I will have happy moments to share with pictures for my blog. Let's just hope I can control my OCD for this family time that we can look back on years down the road with no regrets.


The Thompson Family said...

You can do it. I have a hard time with kids eatting at my house too. The whole time I just anticipate some mess happening. If you start to feel claustrophobic just take a walk around the block. That always seems to help me.

britta said...

Good luck and be strong. When you fill the OCD surfacing go for a run and burn off some steam!

The Bringhurst Bunch! said...

Amen! I share your same disorder and to the same extent. It is amazing I am still married. I have to go into an altered state to let kids run through my house and play. I take a lot of crap from people but that is okay, I just think to myself well my house is clean and yours isn't!! Good luck, I feel your pain and anxiety!

Anonymous said...

They say the first step to overcome something is to admit that you have it! So you are on your way. I am also little that way but I have learned to let go. People are more important than things. Your dad taught me that!!! Take the women with you for a walk. My house is just up the road if you need seclusion for a bit. You know that I am proud of you and that I love you very much!

Real Life Roberts said...

If you want support call me!! I went through these exact feelings 2 weeks ago! REALLY CALL ME FOR SOME COPING TECHNIQUES!

Anna Min said...

I know we share the same frustratrations...I can ask Jereme to clean a kid, pick up his junk, or just change a diaper and if it isn't done within five minutes, I do it. I have to tell myself not to, but if I don't, I get irritated with Jereme. I guess if I do it, I get irritated then too.
The man can't win. He just has to get up and do it right when I tell him to or else he's in trouble.
I'll try to close the bathroom curtain just right...:)
And we'll be staying in a hotel at least one night to try to destress the Sunday morning madness.
...possibly the Saturday morning madness too.
I totally understand where you're coming from.
and if you have to disaapear for awhile, I'm over it.
See you soon!

Sarah Bowen said...

Thants funny. I am the same with with things. Sometimes i wonder if its worth all the effort to clean before company comes because then you have to clean again after they leave! Of course I would never not clean my house before company comes...if i ever had company. Your hubby brad and ron are the only visitors we have had.

britta said...

How are you surviving?