Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sex Education 101

If anyone has been around my family for any amount of time, you know that we are not prudish about such things as sex or anything related. But I have to say I was thrown for a loop yesterday when Logan kept asking questions about babies and where they come from and how they get in your belly. The smaller two are content with Heavenly Father put them there for now. But Logan was persistent and of course this would happen when Corey is nowhere to be found. I am inserting what our conversation went like:

Logan: So how come you had a baby after you got married to Daddy?

Kory: Well that is how you are supposed to do it, you should be married to have babies.

Logan: Yes but it was after you got married (it hit me that he was thinking you only have babies right after you are married)

Kory: No, after you are married you can have as many babies as you want.

Logan: So how does the baby get in your belly?

Kory: Well Daddy put it there.

Logan: So, how did Daddy put it in there?

Kory: Well we take a piece of Daddy and a piece of Mommy and it comes together to form a baby.

Logan: Oh, so like we take Daddy's ear and Mommy's ear and it makes a baby?

Kory: (me laughing) no, the pieces are inside your body you can't see them.

Logan: So are there are certain number of pieces?

Kory: No, there are lots and lots, that is how you can have as many as you want.

Logan: But how does it get in your belly? Did you swallow the pieces?

Kory: (me laughing again) No... (at this point I didn't want to go into details.)

Logan: So then how did it get in your belly then?

Kory: Well technically it is not my belly that the baby grows in.

Logan: So how does it get in there? (talk about persistent)

Kory: Well it goes in the same way Hailey came out. (I was hoping this would be the end because we have had the whole how Hailey is born talk.)

Logan: Oh, I can't remember how did she come out?

Kory: (I guess he is making me say this..) Well it goes in my vagina?

Logan: But how does Daddy put it in there? (At this point Daddy thankfully comes in the door and I am saved.)

Logan asked Dad the same question he just asked me and Corey just told him it was complicated and we would explain it better when he got older. Now why didn't I think of that explanation? It actually worked and the subject was dropped. I felt like I was on trial for something. Man, I guess I need to be better prepared for this. Although I loved his creative thinking....


Walling Family said...

Too funny Kory!!!! I love how when Corey comes in he gives an answer and it is settled for now. I am so glad we are still at the content stage of Heavenly Father put the baby there, although we have had the question about how the baby gets out. I just let her watch Baby Story and she said so it is like when you go tot eh bathroom. Enough explanation needed

melissa said...

ha ha too funny! I think I will let Beau handle those conversations. We were just talking the other day how it would be so much easier to explain the difference between the boy and girl parts if the girls had a brother lol!

Riley's said...

That killed me. Thanks for sharing that. That is so funny!

Lisa said...

I think he is ready for the talk! Cory can sit him down when he hasn't thrown you off guard. His friends are going to tell him if you don't! Just ask Linsay to tell you about Sexy.

Pepple said...

So funny! It must be a boy thing because Jacob is the one always asking these questions while Victoria is content to not know. We got this book "where willy went" from the library and Jacob loved it and it gave him enough information without being totally graphic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! "Where Willy went" is just too funny - I can't type for laughing!!! (Pepple Family comment) Corey Scott might want to give a fast sex talk to Logan (He's pretty good at fast sex, isn't he Kory? jk)

Sally said...

Oh yikes! I'm not reay for that yet. Good thing Corey saved you.

The Thompson Family said...

Oh too funny. At least you will be more prepared when the next three ask the same question one day. I'm excited to see you soon! I love you!

britta said...


Anna Min said...

Jereme and I are still laughing over it...thanks for sharing!

Seth and Julie said...

I love that you don't make up stuff. I have had people disagree with how open I am with my kids but I think honest questions deserve honest answers. Although, Corey's answer was good too. I will have to remember that one. Honest but discreet.