Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's Been Going On

Things have been pretty laid back here. I will say I miss my all night sleeps. I guess I never realized how much I love my sleep until I don't get any. Gabe asked why I have black marks under my eyes, boy talk about needed some beauty help. I never realized how black they looked until I looked in the mirror. Good thing they have make-up that covers that. But we are in the process of getting Hailey on a schedule and in her crib. It has been a little bit of a fight. I try not to wake Corey up during the week because he has to work all day. So I am up at night deciding if Hailey is truly hungry or just wanting me to hold her. Last night went pretty good. After feeding her both times she went to sleep in her crib. I just put her down for her morning nap and she is once again asleep in her crib as you can see in the picture.

Let's hope that she will get used to this and maybe in a couple of months (agg) she will sleep through the night.
I got out of bed yesterday moring and went for my first run/walk since having Hailey. It went pretty well. I felt like I was so heavy when I was running. But I plan on getting more and more running time and less walking time every time I go out. It is kinda of depressing when I look back at how in shape I was before Hailey, but that will just make it that much more challenging.
And I couldn't help but upload this video of Gabe. I know I probably let him play way too much, but he looks so cute and he is playing some songs on expert and the rest on hard. This video is of Gabe playing hard.....I am really impressed with him. I might have to get him real guitar lessons when he turns 8.


Anna Min said...

Dang! He's good!

Anonymous said...

He might give Jason a run for his money!! Gotta love that face.