Monday, September 8, 2008

Tired of feeling crappy

So anyone who really knows me knows how fanatical I can be about my eating. I bought this book when I was working out heavy and then when I got pregnant I just went back to the usual way I was eating, which was just making what sounded good. For the past couple of weeks my digestion has been horrible. I have some inconsistencies in my bathroom routine and I hate it. Not to mention the stomach pains I get on a regular interval after eating anything with huge amounts of sugar (ahh red vines). So I decided to go back to my eat clean philosophy which is a great way to look at eating. You basically eat things in there natural state and no prepackaged foods. I have eaten clean all day and I have already noticed a huge difference in how I feel. My stomach doesn't hurt today and I have more energy too. So although I am not doing this as a weight loss tool, I am trying to see if cutting out all the crap and replacing with healthy alternatives will make a difference in how I feel.
I have been craving fish and if that isn't weird I don't know what is. I usually hate fish but today I ate a whole can of tuna and it tasted so good. Maybe I will have to try some salmon or shrimp next time....what is happening to me?


Sally said...

Well, I just can't even begin to tell you how hearing about your bathroom inconsistencies has brightened my day! Ha ha. Good for you eating healthy. Think of me while you do it and we'll see if that helps me feel better to.

melissa said...

I bought that book too, we had a hard time finding recipes and stuff that we actually liked... it seemed expensive too. Maybe we need lessons from you!

Anonymous said...

I think that book is full of CRAP!!!!

Walling Family said...

Does it get expensive, especially during the winter when fresh is always more expensive?

Kory Jane said...

I am not perfect and I don't plan on eating everything clean, just trying to pick better choices especially for dinner. And the book actually has some really good sense to it, I think along the lines to the word of wisdom....hmm.