Friday, September 5, 2008

Makes Me Grateful

You can't help but gripe about things that happen to you in your everyday life. And then you think why me right? Well I have to say that knowing the Summers family in our ward has put so many things into perspective for me. Instead of feeling miserable because I don't have something or when little things go wrong during my day, I find myself feeling grateful for what I do have. I have a healthy husband who loves us, I have three kids who yes fight a lot, but they are healthy and active and in quiet moments they do show and exhibit love to each other. I have a home all my own and we are not in any financial troubles with the economy being so crappy right now. Looking over this I have to honestly say that I am grateful for my blessings. My prayers and hope are with the Summers family who are struggling with cancer in the family. We are here to support and help and thank you for reminding me of what really matters in this life.


melissa said...

kory I feel the same way. Sometimes I forget how many blessings I do have! I have had 2 friends have babies with disabilities and jsut to have healthy happy kids is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I thank our Heavenly Father every night for all my wonderful blessings. I have been blessed with such wonderful children (including spouses) and beautiful healthy grandkids!!!

Becky said...

it has been a blessing to us having your husband as our home teacher! I wish the Lord could have found another way for me to love and appreciate the ward family but he has chosen this path and my heart is truely full and gratefull for you and your family.