Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Early Bird.....

I am all about the early bird gets the worm. I wake up early during the week to go and walk and I never complain. Then of course on Black Friday my mom and I are the crazy shoppers up at 4:30am to get the good sales. Corey has gone to Denver to help move my brother-in-law's family down so I am alone with the kids. I had made up my mind I would sleep in this morning. I was so looking forward to laying in my warm bed while the window was open and you can hear the early sounds of morning come in. But no, not to be. Lexie makes an appearance around 4am and of course I let her in bed with me. She wiggles, even cries out in her sleep so I am in and out of sleep till the lovely hour of 5:30am when Logan comes in asking if he can play Xbox and get some breakfast. Keep in mind that during the week my kids don't get up till about 7am, so this was very frustrating with me. And the worst part is once I have been woke up I have a hard time just relaxing back to sleep. I keep thinking of all the things I could be up doing instead. So I moaned out of bed ate breakfast and did my new pregnancy workout video which kicked my trash. With walking every morning I assumed that it would be easy. Looks like I need to keep doing this occasionally because I have fallen into the wimp mode. Oh well, and it is only 8am.......

1 comment:

Sally said...

I still can't believe you get up so early everyday. I don't care how many things I have to do, there is no way I'm getting up that early! I finally had to tell Samm to stop waking me up in the mornings and to just go get some breakfast and watch cartoons until I get up.
ps. your bathroom turned out cute!