Monday, June 16, 2008

Pencils Are Not Toys!!

Yesterday was Sunday. And on Sunday morning since Corey has to go to early bishopric meetings, I head over to my mom's house with the kids. Lexie had grabbed a pencil that was unsharpened from our junk drawer and was carrying it around. In my mind I thought, well it isn't sharpened so she won't hurt herself. Not even a minute after getting to Grandma's house I hear Lexie screaming and as I go in to investigate there is blood everywhere. I starting freaking out because somehow I knew she had gotten herself with the pencil. Sure enough, she had it in her mouth and the boys accidentally pushed her down and she landed on the pencil that was in her mouth. I was so scared that she punctured the back of her throat, but because the pencil wasn't sharpened she ended up with this huge gash in the back instead. This could have been a lot worse, so I asked Lexie if she was going to play with pencils anymore and she agrees that they are not toys. I was going to take a picture, but you wouldn't be able to see it anyways.


The Thompson Family said...

Phew, that is scary. I am glad she is alright. You never know what kids will do. I am excited to see you in two days!! Love you!

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds like something Hakan would do! Hope she heals up okay. Hey, enjoy your week in paradise!

Real Life Roberts said...

That is so scary...I guess the saying is true..."penicls are DEFINITLY not toys" Sorry about Lexi...she's making you work as a mom, huh? Oh have fun in Mexico! I'm way jealous!