Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catch Up

I am a slacker yes, but with three blogs going I find myself falling behind on one or the other. Logan had his first pinewood derby and his car looks speedy fast right...I mean look at those flames and red hot paint. I can see smoke just trailing out of the back.

Well we had last place... and I mean dead last. He was the last car to cross on all the heats. He was ok at first, then he started to cry. Everyone says this is the time to see tears because there is always that really slow loser. Well we got it this year. He was so sad that his car sucked and I felt bad that we didn't do a better job. So next year we are determined maybe not to win, but at least not to come in dead last.

And while we are there I notice Gabe with his shoe saying he has a hole in it. That is not the right word, I would say a canyon or a crater. This whole was huge and basically he was wearing his shoe like a sandal. I was so embarrassed that he was going to school looking like that. His teachers must have thought he was homeless. We took a trip to the store the next day and got him new ones.

Notice the lip quiver and the sadness. This is Logan looking so so upset. I just wanted to hug him but that would not be manly so he just tried his best to hold it together.
Corey felt so bad afterwards that he took us all out for ice cream. Ice cream helps you forget all your worries right? It seemed to help with Logan and the other kids too.

There is that smile I year Logan, next year.


Anonymous said...

It gets so competitive that I actually used to dread it. There are books at the library on how to make a super duper pinewood derby car. It's a shame that it can't be just for fun.

Seth and Julie said...

I agree that it should be just for fun. They are so strict about us doing anything even close to a competition in Primary, but then they get all cut-throat with those darn cars. Kudos to Logan for coming away from it with a smile.