Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 2

Day 2- meaning behind blog name

Boy I guess this one will be pretty easy. I know most people who read my blog are already members of my church and know the importance of families to us. If you are not, then the title has to do with why we are here. Families. The whole purpose and what our lives revolve around. We started as a family with our Heavenly Father and now we are making our own families here on earth. My family truly is everything to me. I rely on everyone whether they know it or not. I gain confidence and courage from them. I also have come to love family so much more with having kids of my own. How great to live through them and see them blossom and grow and become something great from something so small. There really is nothing better. Hence my title "Families Are Everything".

1 comment:

Seth and Julie said...

That was sweet. Thanks for sharing your testimony. I could feel the Spirit as I read this and suddenly my answer for today seems shallow and insignificant. Families really are everything, and I like that you added some humor to your blog name with the fudge sub-title.