Friday, May 14, 2010

Half Marathon Take Two!!

That is correct...I signed up today for another half marathon in September. I am really excited for this one. I get to run with a nice girl in our ward here who likes to run as well. This will help me with training so on long runs I won't get so bored. I know it seems a long ways off, but in reality I only have about 4 months till race day. Not very long if you are working to break your PR. So I have been researching and finding that most fast runners are rail thin....who knew right (inputting sarcasm here). We all know I am far from the body type for thin and fast. As my old track coach would say my butt is too big for running.

But even if I am not super fast, I can still improve my time. So I am taking that advice seriously in an effort to push myself and my time. I can still lose about 15 pounds and be considered healthy for my height and age. So I am going to attempt to shed that in order to make myself faster. I know people are probably shaking there heads thinking I have lost my mind in fitness fanatics. But I don't think it that way at all. I have a goal and I want to attain that goal. I crossed that finish line thinking that I wanted to do better. I should have crossed thinking "Yeah I finished" but I am competitive by nature and so you didn't get that from me. So I got back on the Weight Watchers wagon which has been a successful tool in the past with shedding some pounds for me. I should be able to attain my weight goal in a couple of months and still have about two months to train at that weight. So what is my time goal you ask? ( ok so no one really cares) Well since this is my post I can ask and answer anything I want. I want to get under the 2 hour mark. Do able according to my marathon running friends. Only 6 minutes to shave off the total time. So you might have to put up with an occasion post about my progress. If you are tired of hearing about my obsession with this, then just skip that post. The best part is that I will never know if you did.

And mom, as a side note. Don't worry. I can already see you thinking I have become obsessed about this and I am getting carried away. I promise when the holidays roll around I will be back to my current weight as I can't stand not to eat all my goodies for too long.


Vicki said...

From a runner who has always had a big rear end, (seriously I used to think about how all the skinny girls would be wondering how that big girl just passed them during HS cross country as motivation).... the best way to improve your time is speed work. Timed quarters, 800's and miles. I am sure I was barely in the upper end of "normal" weight wise when I ran both of the 1/2 marathons I have run... and kept both under 2 hours. Dropping a few pounds may help... but seriously, I think just kicking your own butt with some speed work will make you faster --- and you definitely sound tough enough to me to handle it (it is always the toughest workout of the week).
Sorry for the long and probably unwanted comment, but I get caught up in the PR, training thing as well.
Good luck! You can totally do it.

Seth and Julie said...

Good for you Kory. I am always so intrigued by runners because it doesn't appeal to me at all, but I am amazed at what we can do with our bodies with a little hard work and determination. I think you look great. A little curve is a good thing, take it from the flat chested girl. I appreciate your posts about fitness because I can't bring myself to exercise and it reminds me that I really need to when I watch other people achieve their goals. Keep us posted!

Sally said...

I completely dissagree with the skinny girls being faster(only because I am the slowest runner on the planet) I think you did a great job on your first half marathon, but I'm not shocked at all that you want to do it again. Good luck with your training.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to say a thing - you already said what I am thinking. I love you.