Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Ups and Downs of moving

So I am sitting in the hotel room trying to get adjusted to the fact that we won't be getting our stuff till Tuesday now. So we are stuck here living in limbo until then. At least we get reimbursed for the hotel room so that won't be a huge deal. But I was hoping that we could have the weekend to unpack and get settled into our new place....oh well. I guess I should get started on our little trip to the East Coast.

We left Tuesday morning and drove till we got a little past Memphis TN. We stopped a few places along the way for resting up. But we got to our hotel around 4pm and we had time to relax, eat dinner and swim. Nothing eventful happened on that day. Which is just the way you like it when you are driving 1200 miles with two separate cars, one of which is our clunker car.

Wednesday morning we woke up early and headed out. Driving out of the hotel parking lot Corey took the curb too sharp and hit it, and some how his tire busted. I have a good feeling that it was a blessing in disguise. A tire shouldn't blow bumping into a curb and I feel it might have busted mid drive with Corey going 70 miles an hour. But we found a tire place right next to the hotel and they had us on our way in just 10 minutes. Minor set back. The rest of the trip was uneventful. We drove till Kingsport TN, and I have to admit TN is a huge state when you drive it length wise. I didn't think we would ever get out of it.

Today (Thursday) we drove up to Hagerstown MD where we are going to live. This drive was the shortest and the most beautiful drive. So different from OK, and I feel a little displaced right now. No place of my own and with four kids that can get overwhelming. But we have been blessed that everything went so well for us so far.

The hardest part for me has been the separation from my mom. The first time I left I was going to college and looking forward to being away from my parents and being independent. This time was different. I have loved living next to my mom for the past five years. We have become really close and I already miss calling her and seeing what we are having for Sunday dinner. I am sad to think that she is so far away from me. But I have to realize that I can't hide behind my mom's support anymore. I have to break out on my own and meet new people and start fresh. So tomorrow we go to register the boys at school. We are going to find our church and find the time we meet. We might even try to get up to Gettysburg sometime this weekend to look around. Hopefully when our stuff gets here I can find that cable and we can put it to use. It has only just begun for us.


Real Life Roberts said...

Man that went moving I mean. I was gone on vacation in July and then by the time I got into blogging again I realized what was happening and then it was too late! Crazy moving stories...but when is moving EVER fun or smooth? Anyway, already missing you. Hope everything goes "smooth" with unpacking.

Sally said...

Sunday dinner is definitely not going to be the same without you guys. I know you have it in you to open up and be outgoing!

Seth and Julie said...

Hooray for a safe move. It is hard to live far away from family but it does strengthen your own little family and give you a chance to really jump in to your ward and make friends that become your family.

Good luck in the new ward, house, school and job. Keep us posted!

Thor'sblog said...

jsut remember that your older brother is just a phone call away too. I know things will work out for you guys and it will bring the family closer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kory, I was just starting to have dry eyes and now they are watering again. Believe me, it has been extremely hard for me also. I still can't dwell on it or my nose gets all plugged and my eyes start swimming. Hurry Christmas!

The Thompson Family said...

I am so glad the Lord blessed you to get to Maryland safely. There is a reason Heavenly Father moved you to Maryland and I know you will be a great example to the people around you. Remember that you are never alone. I love you Kory Jane. You can call me anytime. It is also a great comfort that your ward is always there for you as well.