Monday, September 14, 2009

Thought I was over that

If anyone has ever driven with me, you know I can sometimes get a little road rage going on. I have been trying to make an effort to slow down and not let every little mistake cause me to erupt like a volcano. I have been doing really well lately. I don't know if it is because I am new to the area and going extra slow actually help me make sure I am going the right direction. (Don't even get me started on the streets organization.) But I was driving to the YMCA this morning to workout. I know the route now and I left my GPS at home. This means I am paying more attention to how slow everyone is driving.

So I am attempting to pass this older gentleman who is in the right lane. I am passing him slowly and I look over to see him basically an inch away from my car. I slam on my brakes and realize the guy was driving in the middle of both lanes. So this just gets my adrenaline rushing. But I was proud that I calmed down and didn't honk or follow on his bumper really close. But just as I was slowing down so this old dude wouldn't knock into me, some jerk zooms by me on my left side, knowing that the lane was about to end and nudges into the small space between me and the old guy. Nothing makes me more angry than someone who shoves there way in front of you. Considering there was not a soul behind me. So I get mad and I am thinking if only I were a male and had those numchuck ( I have no idea how to spell that) fighting skills I would beat this guy up. It just so happens he pulls into the YMCA right along with me on his bumper. And there before us was the last open spot before you have to drive all the way over to overflow parking. Well he brakes, throws into reverse and almost rams into the front of my car. Some muscle head was behind the wheel. Probably too many steroids. So I was a little high on my anger meter and I did peel out right by him and did a not so friendly gesture.

Since I get so angry I forget I have two little daughters in the back seat, until I hear Lexie exclaim "what was that mommy?" Then I go back to feeling ashamed that I lost my temper in the car again. Dang it and I was doing so good. I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.


Vicki said...

Glad to know that I am not the only mom who pops out the "not so friendly gesture once in a while" :)

Seth and Julie said...

You would hate to drive with me. I am so slow. I just lolligag my way around the town and if I get stuck behind someone who is waiting to turn and I am going straight I just sit forever and wait for them to turn which makes the line of cars behind me so mad. I don't know why. They can still go around if they want to.

No one likes to ride with me so my friends always offer to drive. Perfect for me cause I hate driving.

Glad you are finding your way around your new town though!

Anonymous said...

You have been cursed with the Rollins temper and road rage gene!!!