Monday, April 23, 2007

Day at the park

Last Thrusday I met my sister-in-law (Sally) at a park in Broken Arrow. The kids always love playing together. One of the big perks of having a cousins the same age. They played for about three hours. None of them really wanted to go, but man it was a little warm that day. I even got a little bit of a sunburn. Gabe, Logan and Samm pretty much run in a pack together and James and Lexie just wander around doing their own thing. Gabe of course had to go to the bathroom, poop of course, and there was no restroom. So I had to take him behind a tree and have him go on top of a diaper. I know pretty gross, but hey I would rather do that then clean up poopy underwear. It is so great now that the weather is getting warmer.

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