Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Danni's Blessing

I have been looking forward to this day from the moment she was born.  I have always felt inspired to have my little Danni and it took us awhile to listen but I am so very grateful we did.  I had told Corey previously that I knew we were supposed to have another baby and that I strongly felt that this baby was supposed to serve a mission.  I still feel it so very strongly.  When we found out I was having a girl I was a little thrown because I just assumed it would be a boy since I had that distinct impression.  Then this past Conference when it was announced that girls could serve at 19 I really didn't think too much about it at the time but I did think, wow that will put many more sisters into the field. 
I will admit I really wanted my Dad to give her the blessing because he has this really great gift for giving blessings.  They were not able to make it and so Corey gave her the blessing.  I wish I had it written down.  It was so beautiful.  The first part was the usual baby blessing talking about her health and her making good decisions regarding the Gospel.  Then Corey's voice got all shaky and he had a hard time talking.  I always prayed that at come point Corey would receive the same confirmation that I did about Danni.  He then confirmed to me what I had felt all along.  In the blessing he said that Danni was a special daughter who was put on this earth to serve a special purpose.  He then said she would serve a mission and bring important and many people into the Gospel with her testimony.  It was one of the most spiritual things in my life up to this point.  It is one of those moments when you realize that yes you did hear the Holy Ghost and it wasn't just your imagination or mind making it up.  Ever since she has been born I have had so many spiritual experiences and just for that reason I adore her. 
We were rushed for time so all I got were pictures of her in her dress which Alisha made for Lexie when she was blessed.  3 girls now have been blessed in that gown and I will treasure it always.


Anonymous said...

Dad says he knew also that she is a very special baby, why else would Grandpa watch over her!

Seth and Julie said...

That is a really cool spiritual experience. I never felt prompted about any of my kids...maybe I wasn't supposed to have any? Kidding! But good for you for listening because it would have been really easy to dismiss the prompting for number 5 and clearly there is work for her to do here on earth.

Unknown said...

What an amazing experience. She is a special spirit. I am glad Corey had the opportunity to receive that special revelation. She looks beautiful in her dress.