Monday, April 20, 2009

Thanks and Dr. Appointment

Once again I have no pictures to post with this. I should have taken the camera to the Dr.'s, but what kind of sick parent takes pictures of their baby being tortured with shots? But Hailey is doing wonderful. As Dr. Ward put it, she is perfect and I have to agree. She is 11lbs 2oz and is gaining daily I think by all the fat rolls on her thighs. She got her first round of shots and of course she screamed her head off. I picked her up and cuddled her to stop the crying. As I am looking at her and talking to her she stops crying and gives me this big sloppy grin. I think she was letting me know she was alright after all.

This morning I was working out with Lindsay and Danielle and I had one of those aha moments brought on by what Lindsay said. She said everything in moderation or people start getting weird. I thought about that and I know I can get "weird" when it comes to exercise and my weight. I don't want to be one of those annoying women who only talk about what size of pants they wear and how much weight they have lost over and over again. So I will try to Moderate and just be healthy. So I will no longer post about weight loss or my obsession with exercise. I really needed that because I was already starting to get in that beyond mode.

1 comment:

modern myrtle home said...

Good for you! I think you are exactly right. A friend said to me recently, "Every jewel has its price". For me to have an "ideal" body, I would have to turn into someone I didn't like. I would have to work out multiple hours each day, be obsessed with what I ate, be an unhealthy example to my kids,etc. I'm not willing to pay that price. So, I will do my best to be healthy, and accept myself as I am. I like that plan much better! :)

Good luck with your post-baby weight loss. You look awesome. I can't imagine that you have much further to go. Both you and Heidi seemed to just snap right back!