Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Goal

Every year since I really cared about setting goals I have always set a weight goal. How ironic that this year I don't have to do that. So I was sitting here thinking about what goal I need to do. Weight is so much simpler without having to really dig into your self and improve the inner stuff that needs tweaking. This has been the hardest year by far for me. So many things have happened to me in 2010 that I was actually happy to see it go. I feel I can sort of start over this year and make it better.

If I really am honest with myself I need to do better at my calling in church. I have been so lax and horrible I am surprised that the president hasn't just given up on me and replaced me. I feel that if anything needs to be improved it is my calling. It is hard here in MD, not a whole lot of active people so it makes things that much harder to get done. I get frustrated and upset because I feel like people are just lazy and I just want to say do it yourself. But then I wouldn't serve and goodness knows that is what R.S. is all about. I have always hated service...(I hope I don't get struck with lightening for admitting that). But it is the honest truth. I avoid it at all costs. I just have always tried to do everything by myself and I just expect people to do the same. It is funny that I don't feel that way about my family or close friends who I would drop everything and do anything for. So I know I have it in me, now I just have to learn to apply it.

The other goal is to actually pick up my phone when people call. Not that I don't want to talk to the people calling, I just don't like to talk period. Sometimes I just sit there with the phone in my hand while it is ringing debating if I should pick up or not. Then as I am debating I don't catch it in time and I secretly am delighted that I didn't even have to make the decision in the first place. So no matter who it is, I will pick up and hope that the world will not come to an end.

And since I need a physical goal in there somewhere I have decided to go for the marathon in May. I have done a couple of half's and I feel that I would really like to accomplish a full. Although after running 13 miles I always cringe to think of running double that. Don't worry Mom, I will be healthy doing it. I have a great running group here to support me so I feel prepared. The race is May 1st so hopefully I will be ready to go by then.

Here is to 2011, a New Year for me to strengthen myself and make things better for everyone around me.


Anonymous said...

Although I am not crazy about some of your goals (you know which one), I am proud of you writing them done and admitting them in public. That is hard to do. I can tell that you have put alot of thought into it. I love you very much Kory Jane!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant down not done. It late and I'm tired.

Seth and Julie said...

I like your goals and I actually appreciate you taking an honest look at yourself and owning up to your weaknesses. I HATE the phone, too. I love talking but hate the phone...go figure? Good goals. Keep us posted.

Sally said...

Holy smokes I am behind on your posts. We had so much fun with you guys in OK. The kids keep talking about how much they want to go back. Thanks for posting your bread bowl recipe, I'm excited to try it. And good luck with your goals! I would totally take service over a marathon any day, but maybe not the phone. Actually, I don't mind answering the phone, it's calling people that I hate.