Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spirit of Gettysburg

Today I competed in another 5K in Gettysburg. My last one was about a month and a half ago and I have been really trying to improve on my speed. I have to say I LOVE Gettysburg. I never get tired of going there. I could go every weekend and be fine with it. The race was wonderful. We started at the seminary and ran by the eternal flame. I was not sure what to expect because I have not timed myself on a 5K since my last race. I was so excited when I got the results. I finished one minute faster than my last time and I paced about a 7 and half minute mile. I placed 3rd in my age group and the two ahead of me were only seconds faster. It was such a rush. I can honestly say now I know how people can get addicted to the racing aspect of running. Runners high here I come...

I loaded my pictures backwards (sorry) and I am too lazy to drag them or reload so here it goes... This is me after I was done posing with the kids.
I was lucky Corey got this shot, he said he wasn't expecting me that early and the only reason he got this one was because Logan spotted me.
I love this picture Corey took, yes that is me getting in the zone. I put my Ipod on and I just tried to zone everyone out. It is hard not to start out at a normal pace when people are speeding past. But you quickly learn that those same people are the ones you pass walking or going super slow around mile 2.
This is before the race started in front of the old seminary.
The kids and I when we got there and I got all registered.

Now it is time to concentrate on my half marathon in September. I am so glad that I found a running group at my church with experienced marathoners who have helped me so much with my training. So looking forward to that next half to kick some trash.


Lisa said...

I like the pics. I have yet to have any family get out of bed to watch me run. Just as well, I don't look too pretty when I get to the finish line! lol Way to go!

Seth and Julie said...

You look great, and hooray for beating your old time! Now take the rest of the summer off and eat some funnel cakes at the fair or are making me look LAZY!

Anonymous said...

I want you to know that I am really proud of you Kory Jane!!! Dr. Clements says that your time was fantastic!