Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Every year we all make resolutions. And I bet most of those revolve around physical appearances. I would be lying if I said none of mine did, so I won't lie. But I find myself wanting to make more important New Year resolutions and I am really excited to do this. I have so much spare time here at the house and I find myself sitting way too much. I want to be more active this year and this can be a challenge when it is freezing cold outside. So here are my resolutions that I want to make this coming year:

Let me just get this PHYSICAL goal out of the way and have it over and done with. I have finally become comfortable with how I look. But I LOVE working out. I am running my first half marathon in May (which I have already paid the nonreturnable fee for) and I am currently training for that. I am also doing this nice 5x5 program for weightlifting that I got into before I got pregnant. I love it. Short and sweet. And you get some major muscle gains from it. I am also trying to cut back on my sugary sweets. I am a sweet-a-holic. Consuming so much more than any one mortal should eat. So I am allowing myself one indulgence a week. This will help me as well as my kids in choosing more healthy options.

The hardest one for us will be SPIRITUAL. This should not be that difficult I know, but for some reason I find this the hardest. Since Corey works really late we have not been doing FHE. But we decided to start doing it on Sunday night instead. That way we can do it as a family. So do our FHE every week. At 7:30 at night we are going to sit down and read our scriptures as a family and say our family prayers before bed. For my personal time I am going to dedicate 30 minutes for personal scripture study everyday. During this time I want to read some scriptures and also the Ensign and maybe some church topic books. I really feel the need to become closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I also want to be a better YW leader. I know that this seems overwhelming, it does even to me. But I know I can do this, and I need to do this.

PERSONAL: Well I am not very artistically gifted. I can't paint or draw or make anything that you would want to keep and use. Most of my stuff would be mistaken for a pre-school art project. But I want to find something that I love to do and I can invest some personal time in. I already read tons, and I won't give that up. But my goal is to find something that I like to do and pursue it to the fullest of my capacity. I am not sure what this will turn up, but we will have to wait and see.

I am hoping that at the end of 2010 it will be a great growing year for our family. 2009 was a good year for us. My little Hailey was born...

and we also moved to Maryland. It has been a roller coaster for our family. But in a lot of ways we have grown together as well. I hope that all of you have a great start to this wonderful new year.


Sally said...

You should start making jewelry!!! Most of it is not hard, especially if you don't have to search through antique stores to find beads.

Anonymous said...

I am just so proud of you!! I need to know what that 5x5 workout is. Call me and let me know. I love your goals. I taught that lesson in RS last Sunday and I found out myself how important goals are. I love you Kory Jane!!

melissa said...

Good for you! I know you will succeed. I'm not really one for new years resolutions, but FHE is on my list of things Ineed to be better at!