Saturday, August 23, 2008

What we do on the weekends

I know everyone is just dying to know what we do on the weekends..well here it is. Corey had a golf tournament this weekend and on his way home he sees the boys. He comes in and tells me he needs the camera. I had no idea that the boys decided they were going to have a mud fight. It rained that morning so it was pretty mucky outside. Of course they were right in the middle of it. I am so grateful for the hose that saved me from having to clean that mess up by hand.

I was in the living room and I hear Travis in with Lexie playing kitchen with her. I never play the pretend games just because I feel so idiotic doing it. But Travis dove right in and was the entertainer of the evening. He had the barbies headbanging and serving each other great meals at the kitchen. I really enjoy this just for the fact that the kids are kept busy and they don't follow me around all evening.


Anonymous said...

Was that your front yard?

The Thompson Family said...

How fun, I noticed that Logan was the cleanest one. It looks like you are having a fun time with Travis there. Has he found a job? Tell him hi for me. I love you!

Lisa said...

I would have freaked out!

Sally said...

Ok I've looked at this post 3 times now but couldn't think of anything clever to write for my comment so I guess you just get the boring old cute pictures!

melissa said...

Well it looks like they had fun getting all muddy. It reminded me of when my grandpa had alzheimers and he wasn't able to talk much, every time we visited him he would say "Want to hear a dirty joke?... a pig rolled in the mud" and he thought it was hilarious!