Friday, August 22, 2008

Ice Cream...So Good

OK, so growing up we ate ice cream on occasion, but it wasn't an everyday thing. I think because my mom really only bought vanilla in the huge bucket. The one flavor that I don't really care for unless you add some brownie to it. But since I have been married to Corey ice cream has become one of my favorite things. Corey has always eaten it in a glass with milk mixed in. It makes it more like a milkshake and boy do I love a nice cup of ice cream at night. Since I have become pregnant I have let go of some of my inhibitions and eaten more ice cream than I normally do. Yes I know this will equal more weight to lose afterwards, but there is something so wonderful about consuming this cold treat after a hard day with the kids. I have tried a lot of ice cream (aww the days of Blue Bell Days) and my favorite two are mint chocolate chip and the all time best the Blue Bell chocolate chip cookie dough. Can you say yum. All those cookie dough chunks are just what I would order in my ice cream. Although I will say Cold Stone tops my list, but who can afford a five dollar a serving treat when you can get a whole half gallon for that price. I call this my ode to ice cream.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Have you tried Blue Bell's Candy Jar? It is SOSO good!