Wednesday, August 13, 2008

12 week doctor visit

Well I had my monthly visit today and all is going just great. Everything is normal and I got an in office ultrasound and everything looked great. I saw our little Lima bean and the heart was just beating away. Something that I always look forward to, to give me a little reassurance. I will say that anyone who can have a baby while qualifying for state insurance should take advantage while you can. This is our fist paid for baby, and I had no idea how much all of this was going to cost. We are prepared thank goodness, but man are we glad our other three were cheap in comparison. So all you young couples who are poor, get busy!!!


melissa said...

I'm glad everything is going good! Avenley was a "free" baby and that was really nice, I was pretty shocked when we didn't qualify with Paisley. Avenley was naming all her cousins today and I tried telling her she has more cousins that live far away, she got pretty excited when I told her about Lexi who is three just like her! I wish we could come visit!

Walling Family said...

When is your actual due date? I am glad everything is going great.