Please don't worry, I am still breathing and alive. I don't have pictures because my hubby packed the camera cable and we have NO IDEA where it might be. I am currently surrounded by thousands of boxes and I feel so unorganized. But I can't complain. Things have been going so smoothly for us. We have been blessed.
I wish I had a picture because Haily is up on her hands and knees a lot now. She still can't sit very well, because she prefers being on her belly and up on her hands and knees. She squirms all over the floor now. I wish I had my camera to take pictures, but that will have to wait till after the move.
You already know we sold our house. Closing is set for the 24th and there have been no hang ups. Yes we had things to fix on the inspection, but it has gone pretty smooth. So everything is set for turn off and we are moving into my parents house for two weeks tomorrow. Good bye first house!!!
Corey also lumped on my shoulders the responsibility of calling for rentals. They are outrageous out there. Costing way too much for us. So we started looking in PA and we found a three bedroom two bath house in a little town called Waynesboro. It has under 10,000 people and it seems so cute. The house is located in the old part of town, but the guy has totally redone it and it looks amazing. So through lots of calling, (and yes even calling the bishop's wife in the area to go and actually look at it), we finally signed the lease today. So we have our place already. It will be nice to go up next week and looking at it and going to the school to get the kids all ready to go. Plus it frees up one full day so we can go somewhere to site see. I want to go to Gettysburg, so we will see.
I am kinda sad to see our little lives here in Tulsa come to an end, but at the same time I feel excitement at what will happen in PA and how this will change our lives. There is just a small Ward there in Waynesboro, so I am sure we are needed there more than MD. I will take lots of pictures and post them as soon as we get up there and get everything set up. I have attached a couple of photo's the landlord sent to me. I love the refinished hardwood floors through out the whole house. The bishop's wife says the only bad part is the scary basement where I have to do laundry. But I will take one of the boys down with me to protect me. It also has an attic with the old staircase that goes up with a door. Makes me think of Flower in the Attic for some reason.