Friday, May 15, 2009

Dentist Time

I know there are so many people who are afraid of the dentist, but thanks to my parents and going to the dentist a lot growing up I am not at all afraid to go. In fact I think nothing feels better than clean teeth. I also had my share of braces (twice) and an oral surgery to get used to people working in my mouth. Today was my turn to go and since our little dentist here in Coweta lost his hygienist, I had to look elsewhere. My mom recommended her Dentist, Dr. Patel, and it was awesome. she cleaned my teeth in record time and I am proud to say that not only did I have no cavities and little tarter, Lexie and Logan had no cavities and hardly any tarter as well. I wish I could say it was due to their oral hygiene, because usually we go a couple of days without brushing if I don't keep on them. Plus we miss bedtime brushing a lot. I plan on enforcing this rule more often, just because I don't want my kids not having been taught how to take care of their teeth. So as an ending I want to thank my Dad for my excellent teeth which seem to repel tarter and cavities!!!


The Thompson Family said...

I'm glad your kids inherrited your good teeth. It also helps that Jason will be a dentist. Love you!

Sarah Bowen said...

Thats Clay! He hardly ever gets cavities,and I am the complete opposite! Cayla did really well at brushing her teeth when I made her a chart that she can put a sticker on each time she brushed. I let her pick out the cheap stickers at Hobby Lobby so she was all into it!

Anonymous said...

I too am glad that you got dad's good teeth gene. My teeth gene is the pits - literally!