Monday, May 18, 2009

Hailey Is 3 Months Old!!!

I have to admit, that before we decided to have Hailey I was content with three kids. Corey really wanted one more and so I decided to go ahead and have another one. I can't tell you how grateful I am that we had Hailey. What a wonderful way to bring our little family closer. With the three other kids getting older, this has been a great way to bring us all together. They adore her and always help me out. I can't believe that Hailey is already three months old. Time has just flown by. I still remember everything that happened at the hospital and I keep thinking before I know it she will be 6 months old. I want to enjoy her as much as possible, so I thought I would do a blog just about my little angel. Here are some things that I have discovered about her so far.
Oh how you love attention. And you know just how to get it. Whine and cry and sure enough mom will pick you up or your brother/sister will talk to you. But how can you get annoyed with a smile like that. You can pretty much squeeze a smile out of her anytime as long as you pay her some attention.

Mom loves to cuddle, but you sure don't. Just try and rock her to sleep and all you get is wiggling and whining. Come to find out all you have to do is lay me on my back in my crib and I will go to sleep. Mom really shouldn't complain about that...but every once in awhile she really wants to snuggle with me.

I love sitting up already. When mom holds me she knows I like to stand up for the most part. This can get very tiring for mom, but sometimes anything to keep me happy works. Of course leaning on the end of the couch works sometimes too.

I have the beginning of curls on the top of my head. Just the hair on top seems to grow and with that wave it just sticks right up. When mom adds gel right after my bath I can get really curly.

I get that I look like Sandra Bullock a lot, but Hailey seems to get the "she looks like a Cabbage Patch Doll." So I thought we would see a side by side resemblance. I guess I can see it...I mean those cheeks are ridiculous.

So here is to three wonderful months already. I am so excited to keep discovering so many different things about Hailey as she continues to get older. Even though she can be a stinker, I can't help but fall for her every whim. I always thought she would wrap dad, but I believe she has her mom wrapped just as much.
*Please disregard how horrible I look in this picture. I didn't do much with myself today.


Sally said...

She really does look like a cabbage patch doll. A very cute one!

Thor'sblog said...

I cant wait to see you next month, we have our hotels and everything!!!!

Seth and Julie said...

Fat cheeks and curly hair...can she get any cuter???

Anonymous said...

You both look wonderful. You can't beat natural beauty!!!

Doug and Marilyn said...

She is so cute!! I want to pinch those cheekers!!