Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Whole 30 Challenge

I just started getting back into running this past couple of weeks.  It has been slow going and I still feel sluggish and my body aches but I am keeping with it.  I was just finishing a run with one of my running buddies when she wanted to know if I was interested in doing a food challenge with her.  Now I love a good challenge and it is even better when you have someone doing it with you.  She gave me a book and told me to read it and tell her what I thought.  This book was based on the Whole 30 challenge which is basically eating Paleo for 30 days straight and logging your results.  Not only on your physical stature but how your feel and your performance if you are athletic.  Now I had tried the Paleo diet at one time and it lasted all of one or two days.  If you know me I love my sweets and carbs.  But to know this is only 30 days and to see if it will actually work got me intrigued.  So I got down and dirty and started last Sunday.

If you have no idea what Paleo is just do a search on the web and you will get mounds of information about it.  There are so many degrees of Paleo you could easily just pick what would work for you.  The Whole 30 is pretty strict because your goal is to eliminate all sugar from your diet.  And that includes artificial sweeteners.  Now before everyone thinks I am nuts just give me a second.  Since Sunday I have not had one diet drink which is a miracle in itself.  I have stuck to the plan to a T and I love that I can eat as much as I want and don't have to count or measure.  What are the results that I can see just after 4 days.....

First and foremost I have to point out that I was on WW and followed their plan to a T as well.  The 2 weeks i was on it I lost 0 pounds.  I was so discouraged.  I hate that I did all that work and had no results.  I was about ready to just throw in the towel.  But I have already lost 4 pounds on this Paleo eating.  I realize that most of this first week is water weight but I will take it.  Because of the 4 pounds of water or whatever it might be my pants are already fitting better in the waist.  A big plus for me.

The second thing I have noticed is decreased hunger.  I am actually not hungry most of the day.  When I wake up is the worst but I am not constantly running to the kitchen because I am starving.  If you eat a huge plate of vegetables and chicken breast then you would not be hungry either.

The last thing I have noticed is that I have slept better.  I don't get much sleep with Danni around but when I do sleep it is deeper and I have dreams finally.  They did say in the first week you will feel drained during your workouts and I have to say I haven't noticed this too much.  I have just been taking my workouts easy until my body adjusts.

Now I have heard before that this doesn't follow the Word of Wisdom but you have to realize that all the vegetables and fruits you eat do have carbs in them.  And the plus is you are training your body to use fat instead of those ready carbs for energy.  And the best part is I only have to be this strict for 30 days.  After that they do say you can have your 3 cheat meals a week for the 85/15 rule.  That way you will keep the benefits of eating Paleo but still get your splurges in as well.  And from what I have read some people don't even use these meals because they make them feel horrible after eating them.

I took my measurements, pictures and weight and will post the before and after when my 30 days are up.  And the last great point is that Corey has been super supportive.  He keeps me going and tells me I can do it.  I am so glad that he is there for me and wants to see if this will make me feel better as well.  4 days down 26 more to go.


melissa said...

Good for you! Are you still nursing? I just downloaded a 21 day meal plan for raw eating that I'm going to try in April. cutting out sugar might kill me though. Lol.

Seth and Julie said...

I have a handful of friends who follow the Paleo diet. My sister actually gave me a chocolate chip cookie recipe from a Paleo website since I am doing a Six Week Healthy Eating challenge and they were pretty good. I personally think Paleo is a little meat heavy. I read Eat to Live and tend to agree more with the little to no meat and lots of veggies. Doesn't mean I live it, just that I agree with it but I know so many people who are getting healthy on Paleo and loving it so I say go with whatever works for you. Good Luck! I am kicking myself for not taking a before picture before my challenge. I am excited to see yours!

Sally said...

You should check out a lot of her recipes are paleo and I've really liked all of them that I tried.