Monday, December 17, 2012

You Know That Feeling....

I had the best day today....that all good feeling when you own both of your cars straight out.  Paid off our Pilot today and it feels so liberating.  I wonder what it would feel like to pay off a house......


Seth and Julie said...

Love that feeling...which is why I will drive my cars til the wheels roll off. No car payment rocks! Congrats!

Kory Jane said...

I told Corey the same thing..I don't care if we get rusty holes in the Pilot, as long as it still runs we are keeping it.

melissa said...

that's awesome! when beau and I first got married I had just paid off my car and I was so excited... then beau wrecked it haha

Anonymous said...

I will tell you how it feels to pay off your home in a couple of months. YEAH!!!!!