Monday, January 23, 2012

Seems A Bit....

I am the first one to admit that I love Facebook.  I love to see what my friends are doing.  I like to see pictures of people that I would normally never see.  I know there are lots of Facebook lovers out there.  But along with the good comes the bad, or not even bad just annoying to me.

So a girl from our High School was hit by a car a couple of days ago while walking in LA and suffered severe brain damage.  She was in the ICU and since she was an organ donor they kept her alive and then did the surgery to harvest her organs last night.  I was sad for her and her family.  What a horrible way to leave this earth.  I am not known for my compassion.  Ask my kids.....  But I found the comments on Facebook a bit overwhelming.  I mean, everyone sounded like they were her best friends.  I could be wrong, maybe she did have 1000 of good friends.  Seems almost impossible to me, but it could happen.  So you read comment after comment and I just think how many of these people actually knew her?  I didn't leave any comment because besides saying hi to her on occasion and being in girl scouts when I was like 10 I didn't really know her that well.  So this got me thinking....

If I happened to pass away I wonder how many of those same people would say that they knew me that well?  How many would leave the good old I remember when comments?  I can think of maybe a handful of friends that actually knew me well enough to leave a heartfelt comment on my Facebook page.  If I was looking down and saw even half of the other comments I would probably laugh.  It seems cheesy almost to put those comments on some one's page who has passed on.  Notice I posted my feelings here because I didn't want my tires slashed or have death threats put out on my life.

I just hope that when I pass I don't get those same lovey comments from the same group of girls who harassed me the whole time I was in High School.  And I would have to say most of them were pretty horrible and snobbish.  I know, people change and it was High School, but still you don't know me.


Anonymous said...

I sure wish that school would of been fun for you instead of so traumatic!! Facebook can take up vital time that is spent doing things that really matter. With that being said, your mama would probably not comment about you, she would be too overwrought!

Walling Family said...

I would.....I would say remember the countless playdates. And the can't wait for both our chidren(S) to fall asleep and then going next door with the baby monitor to play games. So wish we still lived close enough to do this!