Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wow, where have I been?  Moving has taken a lot of my time along with the final training for my 2nd marathon.  I have to say I felt like I earned this one more than my first.  I will remember this one more because of how hard it was for me.  Runner's talk about hitting the wall at some point and I didn't really remember that on my first race.  But I can tell you the exact point that I hit the wall in Philly.  I was at mile 18 and I just bonked.  My legs felt like lead and I had no energy left.  My knee felt fine, didn't hurt at all.  But I seriously felt just spent.  If it wasn't for Hector staying with me I would have just sat on the curb and cried.  I felt HORRIBLE.  Those last 6 miles were the longest of my life.  I even kept thinking if I would have kept at it I would have gotten my goal of under 4 hours. 

Even so, I still got a time of 4 hours and 11 min.  I want to blame it on the stress that I am going through with the move, but it could be it just was a crappy day for me.  But I have met so many amazing people through running.  You just seem to have this magic bond with other runners and you can just sit down and chat about running forever.  The other girl in the picture with me is Erica Price from Waynesboro in PA.  I met her on my first marathon in Gettysburg and we ran together for that.  She is so nice and bubbly and it just so happens we got to run together on this one too.  She finished ahead of me by about 10 minutes, she did great.

Now it is break time for the winter.  Getting acclimated to Wyoming weather and elevation should be a challenge in itself.  I need some good R&R to let my body heal and recoup from that one.  Boy those two medals dangling from my mirror sure look great.

Erica and I before the race started. 
Hector and I before getting into our corrals.

1 comment:

Thor'sblog said...

so proud of you Kory what a great time!