Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Guess I better Post Something

Wow has it really been that long? Where has the time gone? I seem to have landed a month later and not known how I got here. I have been looking forward to school starting and getting the kids all their stuff that they need. On that thought, does a kid really need 10 notebooks and 16 folders for the year? How many subjects do they have now a days?

I do look at blogs everyday. I look at all the cute creative people that I know and sometimes I feel like the old grumpy lady on the block with 50 cats that smells. I don't know how to do all these cutesy things, and I am sure even if I did they would not appear so cute. While someone who is creative is making a masterpiece you can find me putting my pants in order so i hit everyone in turn or better yet checking my alarm clock 50 times to make sure the alarm button is set correctly. I do have good intentions most of the time, but find myself unmotivated by the end of the day.

But there is one thing that I do enjoy Baking is fun too, but there is something about combining things to create tastiness that just is so satisfying to me. I wish I had more budget to cook some outlandish stuff I find. But it might be a waste and it does not fit in the hot dog, hamburger, steak or corn dog category that my family seems to gravitate to. So I decided to do a one meal a month cooking different styles and types of food in courses. Sounds pretty daring I know. Plus with 8 courses that is a lot of cooking. But in my mind I see Corey and I on a nice Saturday evening with no kids and me serving each little course and enjoying every second of it. Seeing as it is birthdays right now and we have plans the next two Saturdays I don't see it happening anytime soon. But I have the menu set for the first date and I am going French. Yes I know most of their food sounds revolting and I get scared just looking at most of it. But I found some recipes that actually sounded really good. The grocery list is unusually long, but I figure I can splurge once a month to go overboard here. As soon as I get the date set I will be sure to take pictures and let you know how it goes. I can feel that inner cook in me getting antsy to try it out. I guess that is why I am in LOVE with Master Chef right now. Let's see an old cat lady cook up the stuff I am about to create. Maybe there is a french recipe for cat.....


Seth and Julie said...

Make sure to come in here and share your 8 course meals with all of us. I also love to cook, which is funny because I grew up going out to eat every night and I am pretty sure I couldn't even boil water when I first got married. Sounds like a fun spin on date night.

Anonymous said...

Go Kory, Go Kory!!!

Sally said...

I'm betting that most of those crafty people aren't running 14 miles every day! I sure wish I loved to cook. Dinner time is my most dreaded time of the day.

Anna Min said...

I'd rather eat an 8 course meal than try to figure out where to put my painted tray...anyday. Maybe that's because I'm not crafty either and food is my language.
Its probably most people's language:)
Especially when its served in 8 courses.