Can you say virus? I can times four. I have not been very good about updating with pictures, but I can say I have a great excuse this time. We have all basically gotten the flu. Only two have survived with no symptoms and that is Lexie and Gabe. It all started with me as I blogged about in my last post. So I was thrilled when I was starting to get my energy back, only to have Corey contract the same bug.
Corey does not do well with flu's. He doesn't eat, lays in bed for 48 consecutive hours and then proceeds to demolish my clean toilet. Yes the one I just cleaned on Friday. But he got a blessing yesterday night and he is back to his kidding self today. Although he is still not 100 percent. Then of course little Hailey had to get it. I tried really hard, but when you are the sole comforter and tender of your little one it is hard to not be exposed. She of course got bad enough I took her to the Urgent Care on Saturday and she had Croup (which she got some steroids for) and also a double ear infections which she got antibiotics for. She is feeling better and on the mend faster than any of us. I guess it pays to actually go see a Dr.
Then yesterday Logan started complaining that his head was hot. I took his temperature and sure enough, sickly again. But he has really no other symptoms than the temperature and a little bit of a sore throat. So I sent him to school this morning after he and Gabe polished off a whole (yes I said whole) box of Cocoa Pebbles. He goes to the nurse and she takes his temperature and calls me to come and get him. When does 100.5 constitute a temperature? My Dr. always said under 101 don't even bother medicating. So I had to deal with Logan, who was running and jumping all day long. Asking me to play catch with him and doing wrestle mania with his sister all day long. I told him vacation is over, he is going back to school tomorrow. Wish I had felt well enough to have a wrestling contest.
So hopefully we are done with this nasty bug that has invaded our home and lives. I am so looking forward to Spring and warmer temperatures.