Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!! I woke up to eggs and butter behind the couch, fighting, cleaning poop out of underwear three times, temper tantrum, a broken dresser because of said temper tantrum and yet still we managed to pull out these pictures....

Mother's Day was awesome!!


Anonymous said...

That last picture is priceless. You are minus one child in the first one!! Glad you had a poopy perfect Mother's Day. Love you

Marilyn said...

You're Awesome!!! And way to go on the Marathon. My are an inspiration!

Sally said...

I'll take a husbandless mother's day over a poopy underwear one any day! At least you got cute pictures out of it though.

The Thompson Family said...

I love how your hair is flowing back like the movies. At least you got to celebrate being a Mom all day long. Love you Kory. You are such a great Mom.

Seth and Julie said...

Alright, Corey should totally have taken all poopy underwear duty from you on Mother's Day. You manage to still look happy and pretty though so apparently motherhood suits you, even on the poopy days.

Melissa said...

Cute pics! Sounds like you had an exciting day LOL