Yesterday night we had a bi-ward trunk or treat at the church. I have to admit I was a little surprised by all the people who showed up and passed out candy. The kids got so much we have this huge bowl already and we haven't even gone on Halloween yet. But I try to ration it so they don't overload all the time. This way it lasts longer as well. The kids had a great time and this year they even had a carnival in the gym that the kids could play games. It turned out really well and the kids had a great time.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Flu Shots
This morning we all had our appointments to get our flu shots. This year it was a really good idea considering I am pregnant and it could be bad if I got influenza. I did not hide the fact from the kids, I just told them straight out we were going to get poked and it would help us not to get sick this year. Last year Logan was the worst one, hanging onto the door handle and trying to pry his fingers off long enough to put him in the sleeper hold so the lady could get his arm. With me being pregnant I was a little worried about having to do that again. But I went first to demonstrate how easy it was. I told them it was just a tiny poke and it didn't hurt. Of course Gabe was the first to volunteer and he didn't even flinch. After it was over he just said "that was it?" like he was surprised it didn't hurt more. So this gave Logan courage, since he hates to be out done by his younger brother. He sat very still and was the same way. I didn't have to hold him down or anything. I thought this is a piece of cake. Well as I turn to Lexie she just starts backing into the corner yelling "I don't want a poke." I had to actually hold her down and basically sit on her to get the lady to get it in her arm. At least she is super tiny and it wasn't that difficult to hold her.
They all got stickers afterwards and Gabe kept talking about how brave he was. The lady was really old, but it was the best shot I have ever had. It didn't hurt at all. I was a little embarrassed as Gabe kept jumping up and down and fake punching this 60 year old nurse. And the best part is it is free at the Health Department. Who can refuse free shots to keep the nasty throw ups away for the winter. Now I am really nervous about Lexie's four year shots coming in March....I might need to learn some new wrestling moves for that one.

posing in front of our van before they all got the shots. Cruel huh?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
8 is great
8 Is Great!!
Tagged by Lisa
8 TV Shows I Love To Watch
1. Hero's
2. Chuck (He is such a cutie)
3. The Mentalist
4. CSI New York
5. CSI Las Vegas
6. Criminal Minds
7. Numbers
8. King of Queens
9. Seinfield
10. American Idol (when in season)
8 Things that happened to me yesterday
1. I cleaned my bathrooms really well
2. I had to finally turn our heat on, although I kept it at 64, put some socks on.
3. I put a roast in the crock pot and it was so moist
4. We actually did FHE
5. I got up early to walk at the gym
6. I took a nap while the boys were in school.
7. I had a visit from my VT, thanks!!
8. I had a hard time falling asleep thanks to the last minute decision to have a Mountain Dew...but man was it good.
8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Panera Bread
2. Texas Roadhouse
3. Burger King (a whopper is so great sometimes)
4. Papa Johns
5. Wings To Go (thanks for introducing me Danielle)
6. Olive Garden
7. Applebees
8. Cold Stone (yeah I know it isn't food, but I love their ice cream)
8 Things I am looking forward to
1. Having this baby
2. Halloween because it is supposed to be warmer this year
3. Thanksgiving morning when I go help mom cook with the Christmas music going.
4. Black Friday...oh yeah
5. Christmas of course
6. Fitting back into normal clothes
7. Training for a half marathon
8. Lexie to go into school
8 Things on my wish list
1. A maid to clean up after my kids
2. Having a bigger maternity wardrobe, although thanks to Danielle it isn't bad.
3. A credit card with no limit and no payback
4. A newer car that doesn't leak oil
5. A automatic diaper changer
6. No stretch marks
7. Had really dark hair naturally
8. Going back to Cancun....maybe when Corey gets his MBA in 2011
8 People I tag
1. Stacey
2. Sarah
3. Julie
4. Sally
5. Thor
6. Betty(mom)
7. Diantha
8. Anna Min
Tagged by Lisa
8 TV Shows I Love To Watch
1. Hero's
2. Chuck (He is such a cutie)
3. The Mentalist
4. CSI New York
5. CSI Las Vegas
6. Criminal Minds
7. Numbers
8. King of Queens
9. Seinfield
10. American Idol (when in season)
8 Things that happened to me yesterday
1. I cleaned my bathrooms really well
2. I had to finally turn our heat on, although I kept it at 64, put some socks on.
3. I put a roast in the crock pot and it was so moist
4. We actually did FHE
5. I got up early to walk at the gym
6. I took a nap while the boys were in school.
7. I had a visit from my VT, thanks!!
8. I had a hard time falling asleep thanks to the last minute decision to have a Mountain Dew...but man was it good.
8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Panera Bread
2. Texas Roadhouse
3. Burger King (a whopper is so great sometimes)
4. Papa Johns
5. Wings To Go (thanks for introducing me Danielle)
6. Olive Garden
7. Applebees
8. Cold Stone (yeah I know it isn't food, but I love their ice cream)
8 Things I am looking forward to
1. Having this baby
2. Halloween because it is supposed to be warmer this year
3. Thanksgiving morning when I go help mom cook with the Christmas music going.
4. Black Friday...oh yeah
5. Christmas of course
6. Fitting back into normal clothes
7. Training for a half marathon
8. Lexie to go into school
8 Things on my wish list
1. A maid to clean up after my kids
2. Having a bigger maternity wardrobe, although thanks to Danielle it isn't bad.
3. A credit card with no limit and no payback
4. A newer car that doesn't leak oil
5. A automatic diaper changer
6. No stretch marks
7. Had really dark hair naturally
8. Going back to Cancun....maybe when Corey gets his MBA in 2011
8 People I tag
1. Stacey
2. Sarah
3. Julie
4. Sally
5. Thor
6. Betty(mom)
7. Diantha
8. Anna Min
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Halloween Party
This past Saturday night we went to a Halloween party that a friend of mine was hosting. It was a lot of fun for Corey and I. We never dress up for Halloween, so this was an opportunity for us to get involved a little bit. I bought this latex paint online, and we applied that for the blue. Little did we know that it was be murder to take off at the end of the night. Mine peeled off pretty easy, but Corey's we had to really scrape to get off. He swears he will never do it again, so it is a good thing that I got pictures of it. We went as Papa Smurf and Smurfette. Granted it was a knocked up Smurfette and Papa Smurf was actually big Papa, but the important thing is we had a blast. The party turned out great and we had fun mingling with other couples who also dressed up all crazy for one night.
Corey stuffed his pants with some socks so that is why I called him big Papa. A guy at the party dubbed him two liter, I think that name might stick for awhile.
Here we are in our full glory. I look huge in that dress, but the pickings were slim at Ross's for a cheap white dress. So this is what we came up with.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Shaving is dangerous

Every week as I step into the shower I realize that I need to shave once again. Being pregnant the thought comes to mind, who cares if I am a little hairy, but I just can't seem to go too long without shaving myself. Well I finally got around to it yesterday and I cut myself. Well not just anywhere, you would assume a cut on my leg or arm-pit where you actually apply the razor to your skin. But no, somehow when I was putting the razor down I actually cut my knuckle. And it has been killing me. I can't bend my finger and when I do it starts to bleeding again. It just goes to show how dangerous shaving really can be.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sorry about that....
This is my special post to my sister-in-law Sally. She really is a good friend of mine, and although I don't see her as much as I would want thanks to the long 25 minute drive and busy schedules, she really has been a good friend to me. That blog was a random venting on my part when you get to that point in your life where you get to feel sorry for yourself for a couple of minutes. I am sure I have left others off my list of friends as well and I apologize. But hey, if I had more than two no one would really feel sorry for me now would they? And that post would have seemed more desperate than it was. So, I just wanted Sally in particular to know how much I love her and appreciate her being not only my sister-in-law but my friend as well. Plus who else would I feel comfortable stealing fashion sense from without worrying about being the copy cat. And if by chance Sally you feel like stealing some of my maternity styles you go right ahead, I won't be offended in the least!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Guess I'll Go Eat Worms
Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me, guess I'll Go Eat Worms.
long, Thin, Slimy Ones; Short, Fat, Juicy Ones,itsy, Bitsy, Fuzzy Wuzzy Worms.
Down Goes The First One, Down Goes The Second One,oh How They Wiggle And Squirm.
Up Comes The First One, Up Comes The Second One,oh How They Wiggle And Squirm.
Do you guys remember this song? I actually sing this song to myself a lot for some reason. Growing up in High School this was the most important thing to me, having lots of friends and having them like me. But something happened between college and since marriage that has turned me into a so called hermit. I have limited friends (thanks Danielle and Tiffany for taking on this feat) and sometimes I wonder if I need to start attempting to befriend others. I have tried in the past don't get me wrong, but I end up getting no call backs after I make the initial call to hang out. I wonder if I am so mean and horrible that people avoid me like the plague. Danielle suggest that I seem standoffish and I can make people think that I am somehow bothered by them. Well truthfully there are some people who really do annoy me and I have a hard time hiding that annoyance. Oh well, I guess I need to stop sitting by myself on purpose and try to smile more at others. Dang it, I actually have to exert myself. You have no idea how hard this is for me. Hmm, maybe a friend list of two isn't so bad after all.
long, Thin, Slimy Ones; Short, Fat, Juicy Ones,itsy, Bitsy, Fuzzy Wuzzy Worms.
Down Goes The First One, Down Goes The Second One,oh How They Wiggle And Squirm.
Up Comes The First One, Up Comes The Second One,oh How They Wiggle And Squirm.
Do you guys remember this song? I actually sing this song to myself a lot for some reason. Growing up in High School this was the most important thing to me, having lots of friends and having them like me. But something happened between college and since marriage that has turned me into a so called hermit. I have limited friends (thanks Danielle and Tiffany for taking on this feat) and sometimes I wonder if I need to start attempting to befriend others. I have tried in the past don't get me wrong, but I end up getting no call backs after I make the initial call to hang out. I wonder if I am so mean and horrible that people avoid me like the plague. Danielle suggest that I seem standoffish and I can make people think that I am somehow bothered by them. Well truthfully there are some people who really do annoy me and I have a hard time hiding that annoyance. Oh well, I guess I need to stop sitting by myself on purpose and try to smile more at others. Dang it, I actually have to exert myself. You have no idea how hard this is for me. Hmm, maybe a friend list of two isn't so bad after all.
Finally Riding Bikes
Yes we have been putting off helping the boys learn to ride two wheel bikes. Corey has been so busy and with me getting bigger I have a hard time running fast enough beside them to help any. So yesterday Gabe kept begging Corey to help him so he did. Gabe tried first and he did it on the first try. He just took off and I thought that was pretty easy. Logan had tried before and was so scared of falling that he gave up after a couple of tries. Well after seeing Gabe do it he looked at me and asked "How come Gabe is so much better at things than me?" He was so concerned and I tried to explain to him that Gabe wasn't afraid of falling off, which he isn't, and that helps him to ride faster.
So Logan was determined and after only a couple more tries finally got it. Logan is coordinated, but Gabe has that natural balance and ability to learn physical things fast. After all, the kids was walking at 9 months. He would be the first to ride his bike.
So Logan was determined and after only a couple more tries finally got it. Logan is coordinated, but Gabe has that natural balance and ability to learn physical things fast. After all, the kids was walking at 9 months. He would be the first to ride his bike.
Friday, October 17, 2008
belated Thursday Jar Question
Whoops, I have forgotten this weeks question...what went wrong.
What is my favorite food and include the recipe.
Well I am not hard to please really. It depends on my mood for what I am really craving. But when it all comes down to it, I really like brownies. I can't help it. Something about all that chocolate oozing when you cut into it. I like mine still gooey and rich. I could eat a whole pan if I put my mind to it, well and I have to have a glass of milk as well. I have tried homemade recipes and I still like the box brownies best. So I guess I really don't have a recipe to share, but I have to recommend the Ghiardelli double chocolate brownies...whoo they are rich but man are they good.
What is my favorite food and include the recipe.
Well I am not hard to please really. It depends on my mood for what I am really craving. But when it all comes down to it, I really like brownies. I can't help it. Something about all that chocolate oozing when you cut into it. I like mine still gooey and rich. I could eat a whole pan if I put my mind to it, well and I have to have a glass of milk as well. I have tried homemade recipes and I still like the box brownies best. So I guess I really don't have a recipe to share, but I have to recommend the Ghiardelli double chocolate brownies...whoo they are rich but man are they good.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Whoa Nelly
Someone needs to remind me to slow down a little bit. Today was just completely crazy for me. I had grocery shopping in the morning and I had to go to two separate stores, with all three kids because it is fall break. So after we finally got home I felt like I was going to pull my hair out. Well I decided to treat the kids to a lunch at McDonald's, so off we went. Can I just say that I sometimes think my kids are cursed. We are sitting there eating and of course Gabe spills his soda all over the table and floor. I am trying to clean that up while everyone is watching me. Probably thinking that pregnant woman's needs to quit while she is ahead. Then as we are leaving Logan drops his drink on the floor right in front of the door. Considering it was lunch rush and the line was basically right by the door I was mortified. I swore as we were going out ( not really) that I would never take all three by myself to McDonald's again.
After lunch I left my kids at my friend Danielle's house with a sitter and we went shopping for Halloween costumes. Well basically we were gone for almost four hours trying to find certain items that we both needed. My friend Danielle is as I say an Amazon (very tall) and her long legs give her a long stride. So here is little short legged pregnant Kory trying to keep up with her huge steps. The good thing was we found everything we needed and I got a Panara bagel as a snack.
When I finally got home and while I was fixing dinner for the rug rats I started cramping up and my back just started throbbing. Oh that is right, a pregnant woman needs water or she will cramp up. Did I drink my water today...whoops. So I had to down a couple of glasses of water and lay down to get the weight off my lower back. I guess I need to realize that I can't go at the same speed that I was before pregnancy. No wonder little Hailey Sophia was kicking the living daylights out of me.
After lunch I left my kids at my friend Danielle's house with a sitter and we went shopping for Halloween costumes. Well basically we were gone for almost four hours trying to find certain items that we both needed. My friend Danielle is as I say an Amazon (very tall) and her long legs give her a long stride. So here is little short legged pregnant Kory trying to keep up with her huge steps. The good thing was we found everything we needed and I got a Panara bagel as a snack.
When I finally got home and while I was fixing dinner for the rug rats I started cramping up and my back just started throbbing. Oh that is right, a pregnant woman needs water or she will cramp up. Did I drink my water today...whoops. So I had to down a couple of glasses of water and lay down to get the weight off my lower back. I guess I need to realize that I can't go at the same speed that I was before pregnancy. No wonder little Hailey Sophia was kicking the living daylights out of me.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My busy Saturday
Yesterday was really eventful for me. I usually don't have too much planned, but I sure did yesterday. I started with Gabe's soccer game and he did so good. He scored 5 goals and he just kept running down the field shouting "I'm on a roll". It was just too adorable. Right after the game I zoomed over to our church's Super Saturday which started at 10, so I was a little late. But it was fun to sit and visit with my friends. I wish I had pictures to say that I actually accomplished making something, but I don't. I knew I wouldn't have a easy time with the apron and the tiles were 6 dollars a piece and I just keep thinking of the Halloween costumes I have yet to purchase for the kids.
That evening Corey took me out on a date. I love it when we go out alone. It feels like we are still young and laughing about all sorts of stuff. I love that I have such a great relationship with my husband. He really is my best friend and I love that we can just sit and talk for hours. Well since we were trying to save money we went to Taco Bell for dinner. It was good as usual, but being pregnant it wasn't as good about two hours later.
After that Corey took me to see Eagle Eye...

It was actually really good. It was really action packed basically the whole movie. And I have to say I am a big Shia Labeouf fan and he did such a great job in this one. I highly recommend this one. Although you might want to go to a different movie theater than the Cinema Eight in Broken Arrow. That place is crawling with teenagers who don't know how to be courteous during a movie. Cell phones going off, texting through the whole movie, getting up and having conversations in the middle of the aisle and throwing popcorn. I felt like I was in Teenager Hell and I was getting so frustrated.
To end my evening just perfect Corey drove all the way down to Memorial and 71st street to get my a Cold Stone Ice Cream...

Only to find out that they are closed, well more like evicted, so we were really disappointed. So we settled for the Marble Slab by the Pro-Bass Shop. It was really good, although Corey was not happy about the price. For my medium we could have bought a whole gallon at Wal-mart, so that was my most expensive part of the date. But it was way worth it. And to end my night just perfectly when we were leaving the store and crossing the parking lot a yes, Teenager, comes zooming through at about 45 miles an hour and almost runs Corey over. I had to yell at him to stop and grab his arm because she came out of nowhere. I may have shown her a not so nice gesture and yelled to slow down. Not that it helped any, and I am sure that was not the most Christian thing to do, but I was defiantly teen aged out by that point. How will I survive my own kids I wonder.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quit staring, yes I am pregnant

I used to be at the gym all the time. Spending at least two hours a day with cardio and weights. People would talk to me, or attempt to talk to me sometimes, and I felt like I was in my niche. Well of course I stopped going at my usual time and when i did go early on in my pregnancy I thought I was going to throw up half the time. So now that I am feeling great and going every morning to walk on the treadmill I all of a sudden feel self conscious. Maybe I am just imagining it or are people gawking at me with this surprised look on their faces. At first I thought it was because they saw me pregnant and wasn't expecting it. Then after a friend told me I hardly looked pregnant I came to realize an astonishing thing.....these people thought I had porked up. The girl who used to bench heavy weights and do pull-ups on the bars is now a porker. I should just get a shirt that says "yes I am pregnant" and wear that so the staring and awwing will stop.
Ok now that I have gotten that off my chest and I am sure (mom) that you are thinking I am obsessed with how I look when I should just be happy that I am healthy and pregnant. Does anyone have a suggestion for a girls name? I have a couple but for some reason Corey is not satisfied with them. He said he needs more info. Well hon, I am about out of options considering he doesn't like anything I suggest. And the only one I get from him is that is going to fly. So any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday Post Question
Name a book you loved and why?
Can I name a book, just one, that I loved more than the other. Oh boy, I know this is going to sound generic to some but I do love the twilight series...yes I know for teens and I am a mother of almost four kids but I loved the way it was written.
But I have to admit that I am a romance lover at heart. Although most romance novels..ok so almost all of them are pretty raunchy so I don't read that many. But there is a LDS author named Marcia McClure and I absolutely adore her books. I read them over and over and her story lines are amazing. I have all of her printed books and probably about 10 of her ebooks that I get from her website. So if I can't find anything to read then I just go to my bookshelf and pull one of hers. I can actually read a whole book in one afternoon because I just get so enthralled with it.
I also love to read the classics, Dickens comes to mind as one of my favorites. I have a few of his more popular ones and now that I am trying to read his Christmas collection right now off and on. I always feel like I can escape and go somewhere totally different when I read. Just give me a blanket, a good book and I am set for hours.
Can I name a book, just one, that I loved more than the other. Oh boy, I know this is going to sound generic to some but I do love the twilight series...yes I know for teens and I am a mother of almost four kids but I loved the way it was written.
But I have to admit that I am a romance lover at heart. Although most romance novels..ok so almost all of them are pretty raunchy so I don't read that many. But there is a LDS author named Marcia McClure and I absolutely adore her books. I read them over and over and her story lines are amazing. I have all of her printed books and probably about 10 of her ebooks that I get from her website. So if I can't find anything to read then I just go to my bookshelf and pull one of hers. I can actually read a whole book in one afternoon because I just get so enthralled with it.
I also love to read the classics, Dickens comes to mind as one of my favorites. I have a few of his more popular ones and now that I am trying to read his Christmas collection right now off and on. I always feel like I can escape and go somewhere totally different when I read. Just give me a blanket, a good book and I am set for hours.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
You want me to do what??
Being pregnant you go through a lot of poking and prodding and being exposed in ways you never thought imaginable. Always worrying if you shaved prior to exam time or as you lift up your arm for your breast exam, is there a little furry monster living under there. So by the time you give blood and drink pure sugar and the worst part for my husband (paying the bills) you would think they would make the small things easier. Take a look at this...

Yes you guessed it, this is my pee cup. Every time I go to an appointment I have to come with a sample. And this lovely thing is what I have to aim for. If I was a man, maybe not a big deal. But trying to get my stream to hit right on target and then squeeze off right after so I don't urinate on my hand is horrible. Talk about trying to hit a small target.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thurday Post Question
Thanks to our friends Seth and Julie, I have also decided to answer the Thursday question of the week. Every Thursday Julie post a question and then answers it so you can get to know her better. What a great idea!! So here is the question this week:
Family Traditions: What are your favorite childhood traditions? What are your traditions with your family now?
Growing up in NC, we had no family around except our own immediate. So we have a couple of traditions that I still remember. We would always kneel down on our chair for Sunday dinner.
For Christmas we would get to open one present on Christmas Eve and then my Mom would play Santa Clause and we each took turns opening presents and watching each other. I think mom had a great idea, because it makes Christmas morning last longer.
For Easter the bunny would lay (jelly bean) eggs all over the house. We would have such a great time running around trying to find all the tiny hidden eggs. Plus our own baskets were hidden so it took some time to get our goodies.
And almost every summer my parents took us on vacation to somewhere. We went all over. Georgia, Virginia and almost always it involved amusement parks which I still love now I think because of that.
Now as Corey and I have our own family I still carry on some of those traditions at our house.
On Halloween we always meet at Grandmas house and trick or treat with Josh and Sally in mom's neighborhood. They give out great candy by the way.
Thanksgivings we all cram into mom's house for dinner and football of course. That next day (black Friday) mom and I always hit the stores super early and have a shopping fest...I love this.
On Christmas Eve we are at Grandma's house again and we do a program. Every family is in charge of a skit and we perform. Then the grand kids get to open pj's from Grandma and Grandpa. We also sing Karaoke. Then on Christmas Morning after we open presents Grandma and Grandpa come with their own gifts and sometimes we eat breakfast together. I love making golden rod eggs a recipe from my Grandma Rollins and just being with family. We all go over to Grandma's house for Christmas dinner as well.
I love the holidays because it is a time for us to get together with family. I am really going to enjoy it this year because we feel a move in our future with Corey's company and this might be the last fall we are here with my parents. But hopefully, we can still carry on similar traditions wherever we go.
Family Traditions: What are your favorite childhood traditions? What are your traditions with your family now?
Growing up in NC, we had no family around except our own immediate. So we have a couple of traditions that I still remember. We would always kneel down on our chair for Sunday dinner.
For Christmas we would get to open one present on Christmas Eve and then my Mom would play Santa Clause and we each took turns opening presents and watching each other. I think mom had a great idea, because it makes Christmas morning last longer.
For Easter the bunny would lay (jelly bean) eggs all over the house. We would have such a great time running around trying to find all the tiny hidden eggs. Plus our own baskets were hidden so it took some time to get our goodies.
And almost every summer my parents took us on vacation to somewhere. We went all over. Georgia, Virginia and almost always it involved amusement parks which I still love now I think because of that.
Now as Corey and I have our own family I still carry on some of those traditions at our house.
On Halloween we always meet at Grandmas house and trick or treat with Josh and Sally in mom's neighborhood. They give out great candy by the way.
Thanksgivings we all cram into mom's house for dinner and football of course. That next day (black Friday) mom and I always hit the stores super early and have a shopping fest...I love this.
On Christmas Eve we are at Grandma's house again and we do a program. Every family is in charge of a skit and we perform. Then the grand kids get to open pj's from Grandma and Grandpa. We also sing Karaoke. Then on Christmas Morning after we open presents Grandma and Grandpa come with their own gifts and sometimes we eat breakfast together. I love making golden rod eggs a recipe from my Grandma Rollins and just being with family. We all go over to Grandma's house for Christmas dinner as well.
I love the holidays because it is a time for us to get together with family. I am really going to enjoy it this year because we feel a move in our future with Corey's company and this might be the last fall we are here with my parents. But hopefully, we can still carry on similar traditions wherever we go.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
19 Week Ultrasound
Today was my 19 week ultrasound at the image center at the hospital. I actually made Corey take some time off so he could come with me. But of course Lexie and Gabe woke up last night throwing up, so he ended up staying home so I could go. I absolutely hate drinking all that water and then trying to hold it. So I have learned that I just go into the bathroom and relieve myself partly then stop in the middle. I know how do I do it..but I have learned it is good for my muscles that Kegals do as well. So I have learned that I can still have a full bladder and not totally torture myself.
So she looks great!! I hate that I don't have her name all ready to go. Thanks to my husband who likes to keep me in suspense as to what he is going to suggest. But she is so busy. She moved all over the place and the tech had a hard time getting some pictures because she was just so active. But she looked so cute. It took her a couple of times to verify that it was in deed a girl. She had her legs crossed basically the whole time. I am just so blessed and happy that she is healthy and everything looks great.
My side belly shot at 19 weeks. (almost 20)
I am sorry it is blurry, but I don't have a scanner so I have to take a picture of a picture. She was laying face down kinda curved around. Plus she had her legs crossed at the ankles but you can't see it in this picture.

Ahh, proof that it is a girl. She was the last attempt and it proved successful.
So she looks great!! I hate that I don't have her name all ready to go. Thanks to my husband who likes to keep me in suspense as to what he is going to suggest. But she is so busy. She moved all over the place and the tech had a hard time getting some pictures because she was just so active. But she looked so cute. It took her a couple of times to verify that it was in deed a girl. She had her legs crossed basically the whole time. I am just so blessed and happy that she is healthy and everything looks great.

Ahh, proof that it is a girl. She was the last attempt and it proved successful.
Lexie Tea Party
I am sorry it has been awhile since my last post. My computer was having problems with my USB ports, but my savvy husband fixed it this morning.
Last week while the boys were in school I decided to play tea party with Lexie. My mom found my old china tea set up in her attic not too long ago and gave it to me. I pulled it out and washed it. Then we got all dressed up for tea. Lexie looked so cute and she invited Dora along with us. We put hot water in the tea pot and then put hot cocoa mix in our tea cups. We mixed and then sipped with doughnut holes. She wanted to play with it, but being glass and easily broken I told her I had to play with her. So I washed them up and put them away for another day.
Last week while the boys were in school I decided to play tea party with Lexie. My mom found my old china tea set up in her attic not too long ago and gave it to me. I pulled it out and washed it. Then we got all dressed up for tea. Lexie looked so cute and she invited Dora along with us. We put hot water in the tea pot and then put hot cocoa mix in our tea cups. We mixed and then sipped with doughnut holes. She wanted to play with it, but being glass and easily broken I told her I had to play with her. So I washed them up and put them away for another day.
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